Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Cosmetic Surgery Really CAN Be Affordable!

Many people like to calculate how much something will cost over time before making a final decision whether to make the purchase or not.

We do that with our homes, cars, large applicances, entertainment systems, and many other things in our lives.

What about cosmetic surgery? Have you ever thought about it like that before?

You really should ... check out the figures below, and you will see that cosmetic surgery really can be affordable! You just might be surprised by what you see!

By the way, Christmas'08 is coming up. Isn't it time to give your spouse somebody new — for Christmas?! Or maybe, just maybe, it's time to give yourself somebody or some 'thing' new — just because!!

Cosmetic ProcedureAverage CostCost per Week
(over 12mos)
Cost per Week
(over 24mos)
Breast Augmentation w/saline implants (anesthesia required)$7,300.00$140.38$70.19
Breast Augmentation w/silicone implants (anesthesia required)$7,700.00$148.08$74.04
Breast Implant removal (anesthesia required)$3,000.00$57.69$28.85
Liposuction (first area) with light sedation$2,350.00$45.19$22.60
Liposuction (additional area) with light sedation$975.00$18.75$9.38
Liposuction – Neck - with light sedation$1,650.00$31.73$15.87
Earlobe Repair$400.00$7.69$3.85
Eyelid Surgery – Upper Blepharoplasty - with light sedation$2,150.00$41.35$20.67
Eyelid Surgery – Lower Belpharoplasty - with light sedation$2,150.00$41.35$20.67
Botox – first area$355.00$6.83$3.41
Botox – Each additional area$305.00$5.87$2.93
Mini face lift (anesthesia required)$7,800.00$150.00$75.00
Neck Lift – submentoplasty (anesthesia required)$4,700.00$90.38$45.19
Facial Fat transfer – Harvest with injection - with light sedation$2,350.00$45.19$22.60
Fat transfer – hands - with light sedation$800.00$15.38$7.69
Filler - Juvederm - with regional block$650.00$12.50$6.25
Filler - Radiesse - with regional block$850.00$16.35$8.17
Tummy Tuck (anesthesia required)$7,000.00$134.62$67.31
Vein Sclerotherapy - per syringe$175.00$3.37$1.68
Face Peel - Apothepeel$350.00$6.73$3.37
Face Peel - Jessners Peel - with light sedation$2,100.00$40.38$20.19

NOTE: The prices listed for each procedure above are average costs. Every person is unique. Your actual cost may be higher or lower, depending on your unique body, situation, needs and wants.

Visit our website or click the links above for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Getting Rid of Those Moles

Mole removal is a cosmetic surgery procedure that provides a solution to people wanting to improve their appearance and reduce associated health risks.

Moles most frequently develop in young adults near the age of 40. Depending on their location, moles may go unnoticed — or they may become a nuisance by rubbing against clothing and getting in the way of shaving.

Moles can also lead to dangerous health problems. Many skin cancers, including melanoma, begin in the shape of a mole.

Not all atypical moles turn out to be cancerous, but they are more likely than typical moles to develop into cancer.

If you have a mole that seems atypical in any way -- one that changes in size and appearance, bleeds, is asymmetrical, is not uniform in color, has ragged edges, or in any other way seems unusual -- it is very important to have it examined. If a cancerous mole is diagnosed early, it can often be completely removed.

You may also want to have normal moles removed, especially those that rub against clothing or get in the way of shaving. Prominent moles may also be removed to improve appearance.

Visit our website for more information about mole removal, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Andropause — Menopause for Men

Wives, how do you know when your hubby (or significant other) is entering andropause, or have you even ever heard of such a thing as andropause?

A lot of women like to call it the real "MEN-O-PAUSE". Women go through menopause at a certain time in their life. Men go through something similar, but it is called andropause.

  • Is he looking at that dream red sports car more often these days?
  • Is he looking at those cute 20 yr olds too long for your liking?
  • Is he losing his hair, or losing or gaining more weight recently?

Don’t divorce him! Bring him to TIFM!!

He just might be going thru andropause (menopause for men). It is very complex and happens to all men at different times of life. It has different symptoms but common causes. The average human male begins to feel some symptoms of andropause around the age of 40 to 45; which is followed by rapid deterioration after the age of 50.

Symptoms of andropause may include:

  • Bone loss, thinning or weakening
  • Brain fog or confusion
  • Changes in hair growth patterns (more some places, less in others)
  • Decreased libido or lack of interest in sex
  • Erectile dysfunction, loss of erections or infertility
  • General achy feeling
  • Hot flashes or night sweats
  • Inability to sleep
  • Lethargy, decreased energy or fatigue
  • Mood changes or depression
  • Muscle loss or weakness

Androgens are the class of steroid hormones that are responsible for making human males into "men". Testosterone and its metabolites, called androgens, can start failing as early as age 35!

It's like going thru puberty — only in reverse!

What causes this is an area of much research and includes hypothalamus dysfunction in sending signals to the testicles (which makes more hormones), lessening response of the leydig cells (which makes testosterone) to the stimulatory effects of LH and FSH (yes wives, you have these hormones too), and an increase of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG); simply meaning there may be enough testosterone molecules on the bus, but the bus doesn't let the passengers off to go to work!!

What can be done?

Since there is great variability in andropause (just as there is in menopause), certain lab testing must be performed to determine what and where to start. Obviously, checking testosterone levels is one thing, but also its awful metabolite, called DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), is another. It usually goes up; which causes prostate problems and hair loss.

All hormones need to be tested (not just testosterone) as they are all inter-connected. Many physicians only test one or two (which is an invitation to failure or bad side effects). We can test ALL of them!

  • Obviously we do a male hormone panel to measure many substances; includiung free-testosterone, dihydrotesterone (the bad stuff), etc.
  • Thyroid function almost always decreases with age, and leads to lethargy, lack of drive and mood changes. We can fix this.
  • Adrenal function suffers greatly during andropause. This is something that should always be checked. We can fix this also.
  • Growth hormone is always the first thing we hear requested, and is seldom the underlying need in andropause, but we test for it to be sure. We can fix it if it is broken.
  • Blood flow needs to be addressed because, at the age of andropause, inflammation from many different sources can cause plaque to develop in the blood vessels, and that is the leading cause of Erectile Dysfunction (ED)! We can fix these too as we are experts in chelation; a form of treatment for both ED and CAD (Coronary Artery Disease).
  • Heavy metals also peak at the age of andropause, and can cause massive changes in the internal functions of your body. This is our area of expertise as well!

So, wives and spouses, as you can see, andropause can be a complex issue in your guy BUT it is very treatable at TIFM.

Call us or drag him in by his ... earlobe ... yeah ... that's it ... drag him in by his earlobes. We can help him to be the same old sexy guy you once knew!!!

And if he is a bit worn around the edges (sagging jowls, droopy eyelids, fat belly, thinning hair, etc.), we can fix those things too!!

Call us now before he starts looking to buy that sexy cherry red Porsche or other things that he thinks will help him regain his youth. Get him there »f»a»s»t»e»r» at TIFM!

Visit our website for more information about men's health, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

The "Fountain of Youth" in a Glass

TIFM offers a unique anti-aging drink mix that creates beauty from the inside-out. This revolutionary formula is naturally flavored with lemon and sweetened with Xylitol - a safe sweetener. The main ingredients are Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid with Vitamin C, Glucosamine Sulfate and Calcium Hydroxyapatite added to increase the overall effectiveness.

All of these ingredients combined have been shown to dramatically improve the effects of aging; from your skin to your joints and more. There has also been anecdotal evidence stating that it can rid the body of cellulite, eliminate hemorrhoids and even strengthen the vaginal wall.

Aging skin appears as finely lined, thin, wrinkled, dry or rough, discolored and patchy. The loss in the skin’s elasticity is one of the major contributors of this. On the surface, the problem appears to be the outer layer, but aging skin actually occurs in the dermis, or second layer of skin, where collagen, elastin and moisture reside. When certain components, such as collagen
and Hyaluronic acids, are diminished and compromised, skin becomes dehydrated and the ability of your bones and joints to function properly is lost.

The Collagen/Hyaluronic Drink Mix reintroduces a youthful look and feel to your skin with an extraordinary ingredient base that includes collagen and hyaluronic acids, along with a host of other supporting ingredients. Together, these ingredients replenish skin from within. The appearance of fine lines and wrinkles are dramatically reduced and the skin’s texture becomes smoother, tighter and more refined.

Collagen is the primary support of skin, tendons, bones, cartilage and connective tissues. It is a protein chemical substance (the "glue" if you will) that holds tissues together. Here are some interesting facts about collagen:

  • More than a third of the body’s protein is collagen.
  • Collagen makes up 75 percent of our skin.
  • Acts as scaffolding for our bodies.
  • Controls cell shape and differentiation.
  • Why broken bones regenerate and wounds heal.
  • Why blood vessels grow to feed healing areas.

Hyaluronic acid is a component of connective tissue whose function is to cushion and lubricate. It occurs throughout the body in abundant amounts in many of the places people with hereditary connective tissue disorders have problems; such as joints, heart valves and eyes. Hyaluronic acid abnormalities are a common thread in connective tissue disorders. Interestingly, they are also common biochemical anomalies in most of the individual features of connective tissue disorders; such as mitral valve prolapse, TMJ, osteoarthritis, and keratoconus. Hyaluronic acid has been nicknamed by the press as the "key" to the "fountain of youth" because it has been noted that at least some people who ingest a lot of it in their diets tend to live to ripe old ages. ABC News aired a show about a village in Japan about hyaluronic acid entitled, "The Village of Long Life: Could Hyaluronic Acid Be an Anti-Aging Remedy?"

The question is: Does it really work? Our proof is that once a patient starts using this product, they continue using it over and over and over again - because they enjoy the results so much! It is so successful that we are selling it worldwide now!! Come get yours today and see for yourself!!!

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Lip lines, Wrinkles and Scars

Lip lines, stretch marks, fine facial lines, hyperpigmentation and acne scarring have been frustrating physicians and patients in their inability to be effectively treated. Historically, several cosmetic treatments were used to address these problems. You could have a deep chemical peel (in which caustic solutions dissolve the outer layer of skin), undergo dermabrasion (in which the first layer of skin is ground off) or see a surgeon who uses a device such as a laser (in which the outer layer of skin is vaporized). These procedures have many, potentially significant, harmful side effects.

Now there is a new, non-ablative and efficacious treatment that is available. Medical Needling or, as it is officially called, Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) is a simple procedure which requires little down time for patients (no more than four to seven days) and significant, measurable, and sustainable results. It is safe for skin of any type or color.

What is medical needling?

Medical needling is usually performed with the patient lightly sedated. The area to be treated is numbed with a local anesthetic. During medical needling, an FDA approved roller with a series of fine, sharp medical needles is used to create small punctures in the skin. These punctures extend into the dermis, or deep layers of the skin, to create micro-trauma and stimulate the production of new collagen. The tiny wounds created by medical needling also allow topical medications to reach into the deep layers of skin for about 5 days after treatment. The punctures do very little damage to the epidermis, or top layer of skin, allowing it to heal rapidly. The procedure takes about 20 minutes, depending on the area to be treated. After the procedure, an antibiotic ointment is applied to the skin and patients can go home immediately.

What will I look and feel like afterward?

Medical needling usually causes some short-term bleeding, redness of the skin and bruising for the first 2 days. However, the skin heals rapidly because minimal damage is done to the outer layer of skin. Most patients can return to normal activities, including their jobs, in 2 to 3 days. Patients should wash their skin three to four times a day in the first few days following the procedure and apply an antibiotic ointment for the first 2 days.

What about Results?

Results can take three to nine months to fully appear as the body takes time to generate new collagen. Results last as long as the body’s own collagen, 5-10 years or more. This procedure has been successfully used to treat peri-oral wrinkles, the appearance of stretch marks, abdominal laxity, facial and acne scarring, and rejuvenation of sun damaged skin on the chest as well as other areas. The potential complications of skin burns, hyperigmentation, uneven scarring and extensive downtime are avoided.

Visit our website for more information on Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) , and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

New Surgery Removes Fat on Your Back

Study Shows Procedure for Removing Skin Rolls Is Effective

By Kelley ColihanWebMD Health News

Sept. 12, 2008 -- Forget the facelift, how about sprucing up the ole'back? The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is pitching a new procedure to get rid of skin rolls on your middle and upper back. The group is releasing results of a small study of seven women who had what is being called the "bra-line back lift" between 2001 and 2007.

Seven women underwent the procedure for this study. The average age was 54. Plastic surgeons went in and sliced out skin tissue, some of it 8 to 10 inches wide. The remaining tissue was reattached. The scar was conveniently hidden under the women's bra line. The procedure took about an hour, according to researchers. Patients were urged to get up and moving within two weeks, depending on how much pain they were feeling.

The women were followed for nearly two years. Two of them had to have their scars redone within a year of their back lift surgery. Study authors don't say whether the women have since regained the fat.

Rolls of back fat are something that often comes with the natural aging process. In the review of the procedures, study researchers write that "the low complication rate, brief recovery time, and high level of patient satisfaction make this a desirable procedure for surgeon and patient alike."

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Flu Prevention, Protection & Treatment versus The Annual Guessing Game

Infectious disease experts say that the composition of a flu vaccine is a difficult prediction at best. They say "Although these are educated guesses, they clearly are guesses".

Officials from the FDA (Food & Drug Administration), CDC (Centers for Disease Control), WHO (World Health Organization), and other institutions study virus samples and patterns collected throughout the year from around the world. Based on those studies, the FDA decides on the three strains that manufacturers should include in their vaccines for Americans.

Some officials at the CDC state that last year's flu vaccine was only 44% effective; they guessed wrong. It is nearly an impossible feat because by the time they decide what the prevalent strains are around the world it's almost too late for manufacturers to produce a viable vaccine in sufficient volume to get to market in time. This year the most prevalent strain wasn’t even available.

Vaccines are designed to protect against the strains identified by the FDA. But, there's always the chance that the scientists' best guesses will fall short, as was the case during the 2007-08 flu season in the United States. Last year's flu season was the worst in four years, due, in part, to a vaccine that wasn't a good match for certain circulating flu strains, U.S. health officials said.

Additionally, we are very concerned about the materials in the flu shot that are called additives. Most of us know about the dangers of the preservatives Thiomersal (which is mercury), Aluminum, formaldehyde and others. Check out the list of ingredients in each manufacturer’s vaccine. You'll be amazed, and probably shocked by what you see! Remember, it’s not a good idea to get a flu shot if you are allergic to eggs.

Let me suggest a better approach:


PREVENTION: Remember that TOUCH is your biggest enemy. Become aware of everything you touch and who has touched it before you. Become a Howard Hughes in the next several months! Simple things like using a paper towel, napkin, handy wipe or even your sleeve to open doors. Use a cleansing agent on your hands that will kill most germs and do not use isopropyl alcohol (which is ineffective). We have topical gels available for just this purpose that you can carry with you. DO NOT TOUCH YOUR EYES unless using a tissue as this is the major method for transferring viruses.

PROTECTION: Make sure your immune system is as strong as possible. Consider the other ‘assaults’ on your immune system that are out there, including:

  • Pollen (which makes people sneeze and have itchy eyes — after they rub their eyes, where will their hands go next — and lots of people nowadays do not cover their nose when they sneeze ... Yikes!!!)
  • Stress
  • Sugar (yes, totally avoid sugar and simple carbs during the flu season as they are one of the top immunosuppressants!)
  • Lack of Sleep

We have a high potency Immunostim Vitamin C IV that we have found to be one of the top preventive therapies to increase your protection against the flu. The IV takes 2 hours (in a comfy chair)!

TREATMENT: We recommend UVB/Ozone; a quick IV therapy! This is the only procedure we have seen that effectively takes a major bite out of flu viruses. We all do this therapy at the clinic and have not missed more than a couple of days of work in the past several years during flu season!!

Consider lost wages from being home sick versus the government’s guessing game (where they may or may not tell manufacturers to produce the right vaccine) and you'll probably never get a flu shot again — you'll be coming to TIFM instead!!

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Me and My Collagen

Collagen is a protein and is found in all body parts, including the largest organ of the body - the skin – and is made up of three strands of repeating amino acids coils coiling into the unique collagen triple helix. Various types of collagen are found in the body and are required to build new cellular structures – like skin – and to repair any damage caused. Types I, III and V are specific collagen types involved in the health of your skin.

Together with soft keratin, the collagen and elastin fibers are responsible for the strength and elasticity of the skin – and degradation of the collagen leads to aging and accompanying wrinkles.
With the onslaught of normal aging, the collagen in our skin is under attack from various factors that hasten the degradation of collagen. Sun tanning and sun exposure are two of the main culprits of collagen deterioration in our skin and inflammation also destroys collagen. Large amounts of free radicals – which are formed during normal body functions (oxidation), can also destroy collagen – and here a person can specifically look at pollution and toxins in your environment, toxic heavy metals, fat filled diet, high sugar intake as well as cigarette smoking and consuming alcohol.

A Finnish study found type I and III collagen synthesis is decreased and the regulation of the Extra Cellular Matrix turnover is altered in smokers, which may lead to deterioration of the tensile strength and resiliency of skin in the long term. So stop smoking unless you want to age rapidly and call us to help you get they heavy metals out of your body that are high due to the Cadmium in the cigarette paper. We can help you anti-age internally and externally.
While we’re on the point of cigarette smoking, it is important to note that the body requires vitamin C in order to make collagen. Without collagen, many things in your body will deteriorate at a hastened pace. Smoking kills off the ascorbic acid molecule. This molecule deficiency is one of the reasons smoker’s skin ages rapidly.

Excellent examples of vitamin C shortage and its effect on collagen are the old English sailors who suffered from scurvy, a shortage of vitamin C, on long voyages. Their bouts with scurvy resulted first in loose teeth and ultimately in death – since collagen could not be formed to keep the body together.

Although it may sound flippant to talk about physical appearance in the face of death, it would have been interesting to note the skin condition of these sailors – as a shortage of vitamin C would have shown very quickly in the tone and health of their skin.

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Revolutionary New Treatment For Acne Scars, Upper Lip Lines & Stretch Marks

The medical roll CIT (collagen induction therapy) is a procedure developed to promote collagen deposition in the dermis, just below the surface of the skin. It is an effective procedure for acne scarring, stretch marks and upper lip wrinkles.

The procedure can be done under local anesthesia or with IV sedation. The procedure involves rolling a small device over the skin. This causes tissue regeneration and collagen deposition under the skin. The growth of new collagen fills in the depressions caused by acne scarring or by the resorption of collagen, as seen in the wrinkles formed in the upper lip. Because the collagen is formed by your own body, the results are permanent.

Conventional treatments for acne scarring and upper lip wrinkles are centered around resurfacing techniques, such as dermabrasion, CO 2 laser resurfacing, or deep peels. All of these modalities work by removing a layer of skin. Apart from being painful, they do pose risks, such as scarring and changes in pigmentation. The medical roll CIT works underneath the skin to promote collagen deposition, not by removing skin. In fact, the surface skin stays intact. There are no raw surfaces. The advantages are many. First, the risk for scarring is extremely low, because the procedure does not remove any skin. Second, there is no risk of pigment changes (changes in the color of the skin). And third, healing is painless and the recovery is relatively fast.

Visit our website for more information on Acne Scar Treatments, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Mom, Would You Erase the Signs of Pregnancy?

More and more women are turning to post-childbirth cosmetic surgery. Nothing compares to the joy of motherhood, but the havoc you go through to get your body back into shape can bring tears to your eyes. That's why more moms are turning to combined surgical procedures, also called a Mommy Makeover, to recover their pre-pregnancy bodies.

Mommy Makeover, aka “The Mom Job”

These patients are young moms who are doing their best to take care of themselves, but their bodies have gone through some irreversible changes that they find discouraging.

What does childbirth do to your body?

Often, abdominal skin that becomes stretched during pregnancy doesn’t snap back after the baby is born. In addition, the rectus abdominis muscles, which run vertically, can separate and become lax, adding to the abdominal protrusion. The breasts often sag after delivery and/or breastfeeding because the skin covering them gets overstretched when breasts become engorged during pregnancy and nursing but remains lax after they return to their pre-pregnancy size. The result is less support for the breasts. Some women also lose breast volume as a result of pregnancy. (Nursing does not result in smaller breasts.)

Many mothers today are not “just” mothers — they have professional lives outside their personal life as mommy. And, they don’t want to look like the stereotypical mom. They want to feel better about their bodies, and that desire shouldn’t be dismissed or criticized, says sociologist Victoria Pitts-Taylor, Ph.D., author of "Surgery Junkies: Wellness and Pathology in Cosmetic Culture" (Rutgers University Press).

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Want To Have Beautiful Skin Again?

Who needs nice skin? The multi-billion dollar cosmeceuticals industry testifies that much of what we call ‘beauty’ depends on that thin parchment that wraps us from head to toe. It not only transmits both the shape of our body and its sensation, but is also the principle medium of sexual attraction. It's our skin - the most visible yardstick for observing the effects of aging.

As far as your skin is concerned, the sun is not your friend. Excessive sun exposure is very damaging to all layers of the skin. Also, the effects of sun exposure are cumulative over a lifetime – just like radiation exposure. Fun in the sun at age 20 means paying the bill with the appearance of your skin at age 40. You start to see wrinkles, large pores, brown spots, thinning and uneven skin tones. This result is that you look older than you are. It’s important to realize that the effects of photo-aging are the most preventable cause of aging skin. These effects can also be reversed with a physician supervised skin rejuvenation program.

Chemical peels are the workhorse of a solid skin rejuvenation plan. When done in conjunction with a home skin care program, the changes can be remarkable. They work by causing several layers of the skin to dry up and peel away over several days, exposing a new layer of undamaged skin. Peels come in three basic flavors: superficial, medium and deep. They vary in the depth of the effect and the resultant downtime involved. TIFM Aesthetics has developed one of the most effective superficial peels available on the market called the "ApothéPeel". This peel can be used on all skin types, is painless and results in almost no downtime.

Specifically, the ApothéPeel can:
  • Improve the tone, texture and clarity of your skin
  • Reduce or eliminate age spots, freckles, and hyper-pigmentation (melasma)
  • Soften lines and wrinkles
  • Banish acne skin conditions and reduce or eliminate acne scars
  • Stimulate the production of collagen for firmer, more youthful skin
  • Can be used on arms, hands and neck

In only 10 minutes, you can have beautiful skin! This procedure can restore sun-damaged, wrinkled, blemished, acne-scarred or blotchy skin to its original youthful appearance. The results are a smoother, more even-toned and textured skin. The skin will look younger, tighter and fresher than before. Our free consultation will guide you in selecting the most comprehensive and individualized skin care plan to return your skin to optimum health.

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Got 30 Minutes? Lose a Few Years with a Lunchtime Peel

When someone asks "what did you do for lunch today", you could soon reply by saying "I had a Lunctime Peel and lost a few years off my face!".

If small wrinkles, skin breakouts and age spots are preventing you from looking your best, you don’t have to settle for layers of expensive skincare products to improve your complexion.

Today’s innovative skin rejuvenation treatments can help improve your skin from the inside out, and treatments such as the ‘lunchtime peel’ are a quick and easy way to enjoy a mini-facelift – without painful surgery or incisions.

A short series of superficial chemical peels lays the foundation for an effective lunchtime peel. If you’ve got 30 minutes to spare over your lunch break, give your looks a boost with these anti-aging skincare treatments:

How the Lunchtime Peel Works

The latest and most effective advancement in superficial chemical peels is the ApothéPeel. The ApothéPeel is easy to apply and painless too! This peel can help treat several types of skin conditions including:

  • Sun-Damaged Skin – Any age spots, skin pigmentation and skin discoloration can be dramatically reduced after a deep exfoliation treatment.
  • Acne Scars and Superficial Scars – The ApothéPeel can help buff away the top layer of skin so that you’re left with a clearer, smoother complexion.
  • Aging Skin – Wrinkles, fine lines and even slightly sagging skin can be treated with chemical peels that help tighten and tone the skin from the inside out. If you have enlarged pores that are often the source of breakouts, chemical peels can be particularly effective in shrinking the pores and reducing your risk of breakouts.

Key Benefits of the Lunchtime Peel

In addition to being a quick, safe and effective treatment, the lunchtime peel has several other benefits:

  • No Discomfort – You won’t need anesthesia or any type of medication to recover from this facial rejuvenation treatment. The lunchtime peel is simply a deep exfoliation treatment that will cleanse the pores, reduce oily patches on the skin and leave the skin clean and fresh.
  • Low Risk of Side Effects – Almost all skin types respond well to chemical peel treatments, and the procedures present very few side effects. This reduced risk makes it easy to manage skin after the treatment and enjoy the benefits right away.
  • Low-Priced Treatment – When you don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on skincare treatments, a chemical peel can help you balance the budget. These skin rejuvenation treatments are inexpensive, and you will see results immediately. Problem skin may require a series of 3-5 treatments to see dramatic results, but even then, the total cost is considerably lower than other facial rejuvenation procedures.
  • Quick Procedure - Most people who book a lunchtime peel can be in and out of the doctor’s office in under 45 minutes, and the treatment itself only takes between 20-30 minutes. If you want to improve the look of your skin and ward off the signs of aging, a lunchtime peel may be a quick and effective way to begin your anti-aging skincare plan.

Visit our website for more information on Lunchtime Peels, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

More Men Embracing Cosmetic Surgery

Modern society's increased emphasis on looking young and fit is causing men to take a higher interest in their appearance. Men are spending more time shopping, working out, and even having cosmetic treatments to present their ideal image - both professionally and personally. While men in New York, Miami, and Los Angeles may have started the male plastic surgery trend, the number of Texas men opting for cosmetic surgery has steadily increased in recent years.

During the last decade, men have found it much more socially acceptable to undergo cosmetic surgery. Today, men are expected to look young, healthy, and stylish. To do so, they're turning to a wide variety of products and services, like cosmetic surgery, to help them look their best.

In 2007, the top 3 cosmetic surgery procedures for male patients across the nation were rhinoplasty (nose reshaping), eyelid surgery, and liposuction. According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, rhinoplasty was the cosmetic surgery procedure most frequently performed on men in 2007, with male patients making up 26% of all rhinoplasty procedures. Nose surgery can be an effective option for men who want a more aesthetically pleasing nose or who need to correct breathing problems.

Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is another popular option for men in Texas. This plastic surgery procedure corrects droopy skin above the eyes and "bags" under the eyes that can make men appear tired and old. During eyelid surgery, excess fat deposits and loose skin are removed from the upper and/or lower eyelids. Scarring is minimal and the procedure can offer the added benefit of increasing visibility for patients whose vision is impaired by sagging skin.

It makes sense that men are becoming more and more interested in cosmetic surgery. Facial cosmetic surgery, in particular, can help men look their best for their careers and in their personal lives. But, we also see many men who choose cosmetic surgery to enhance their body’s shape. Liposuction is the most popular body contouring procedure for men. Some men incorrectly believe that this surgery’s main function is to achieve weight loss. In fact, the procedure is used only for body shaping. For instance, liposuction is an ideal treatment for love handles and small rolls of fat on the belly that don't respond to diet and exercise.

More and more men are realizing that they feel better when they look their best. Cosmetic surgery is more acceptable for men now – and it is even more affordable than ever!! TIFM Aesthetics is excited to play a role in this emerging trend.

Visit our website for more information on Eyelid Surgery, Liposuction and more. Then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Matrix Metaloproteinases and Why You Need to Know What They Are in the Antiaging World

Wow! What a great Scrabble word!! Let me explain, in simple science, the underlying reasons why you age faster than you want:

The human body has a large group of very complex substances that constantly remodel you and repair your body tissue. These substances work on your extra cellular matrix, the area containing non-cellular materials that provide structural support (the scaffolding), supply ingredients for cell adhesion (the glue) and migration and regulate cellular differentiation (what each new cell becomes), as well as its metabolic function (the rate of growth). The number of these elements is often larger than the total number of actual cells in your body.

Shew... And, we all thought there was only “jelly” beneath our skin. What a workhorse it really is!

But, you may ask: Where does this group of substances get its orders? It comes from Matrix Metaloproteinases (or MMP's)!! The complexes lie dormant in your body until receiving a signal to activate them. This is where the MMP's enter the equation. MMP's stimulate this complex group of substances to determine what your skin and body look like! MMP stimulants are both natural and synthetic in origin. MMP-1, for example, directly affects your skin. It is also known as Collagenase (the "-ase" part indicates an enzyme that breaks down the first part of the word "Collagen"). So, in this case, the MMP breaks down collagen. This dissolution is a good thing because it is constantly breaking down old collagen which gets stiff and inflexible, allowing for new collagen to replace it in new blood vessel construction, tissue growth and wound repair.
It's the Circle of Life - Break Down - Build Up - Break Down - Build Up! This remodeling process is natural and takes place every day. When a cell is old, it is removed. When an injury afflicts an area, cells are changed for emergency support and repair functions. The extracellular matrix is like a network of phone lines that communicate around your body and talk to your cells all the time.

The name METAL proteinase is critical as the metal is ZINC. Cadmium replaces the ZINC and deactivates the remodeling crew. Thus, support for the skin decreases. The result is “smoker’s skin” plus rapidly aging skin that is wrinkled, thin, droopy and shallow. Mercurials, oxidized glutathione and other heavy metals also excessively activate the MMP-1 (or Collagenase) enzyme, resulting in decreased collagen. Collagen breaks down faster than normal, so your skin looks older than it should.

Growth factors are critical in signaling cells to become active and do what cells should do - such as proliferation, differentiation, and synthesis and remodeling of the extracellular matrix. These factors work both inside and outside of the extracellular matrix. Recent data indicates that they have very critical roles in skin aging. In answer to these discoveries, cosmeceuticals are now being found in high-end department stores.

So, how can we insure that the tissue beneath our skin is as healthy as it can be and, in turn, make us look as young as possible? Matrixins (the MMP’s that work on the extracellular matrix can be inhibited with EDTA, Cysteine, thiols, etc. Success in this undertaking means eliminating our bodies of toxic heavy that inhibit proper functioning of extracellular matrix remodeling and, thus, more rapid aging. Chelation substances contain all of the important factors such as DMPS (which removes mercurial compounds from the body), reduced glutathione and Vitamin C, all of which work together to decrease the activity of both MMP-1 (or Collagenase) and several other MMP's. These MMP's are all involved in breaking down many types of collagens, which leads to increased rates of aging.

Bottom line action items to keep from aging rapidly:

  • Rid your body of heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead and STOP smoking
  • Remove silver fillings from your teeth and do IV chelation (you'll spend much less on this process than on skin treatment products which report sales in the billions of dollars annually!)
  • Add as many nutrients as possible to your diet that contain anti-oxidants
  • Get off all sugars! (everyone loves sugar, but your skin does not!)
  • Balance your hormones (this is the true anti-aging movement of the future!)

We offer the entire range of services, not just the really great fixes of filler, fat transfers and Growth Factor cosmetics.

Visit our website for more information on Heavy Metal Detox, Amalgam Fillings, Food Allergies, and more. Then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

The Liquid Facelift – How to Look Younger Without Surgery

Sagging facial features, fine lines and wrinkles, and a dull complexion can add years to your appearance, but facial rejuvenation and contouring procedures may help turn back the clock.

Cosmetic surgeons offer several anti-aging solutions that can help you maintain your youthful looks, but many people prefer to avoid surgery, opting instead for alternative wrinkle treatments such as BOTOX® and other dermal fillers to enhance their appearance.

The Liquid Face Lift is a facial contouring procedure that can provide visible results without a single incision; the treatment is a combination of dermal fillers and collagen builders that contour and sculpt the face in their own way, offering several benefits for aging skin. The treatment may even help produce results similar to a facelift or other facial rejuvenation procedures.

The Liquid Face Lift involves a series of carefully administered dermal fillers around the face. From BOTOX® to tighten up grooves on the forehead to Radiesse and Juvederm to fill out hollowed cheeks and deep lines.

Key Benefits of the Liquid Face Lift

The Liquid Face Lift may be a valuable alternative to surgery, especially for skin that has only begun showing a few signs of aging. It can help to:

  • Plump up wrinkles around the lines and mouth
  • Reduce the appearance of fine lines around the eyes and forehead
  • Tighten up loose skin, especially around the jaw and cheek areas
  • Improve the texture and tone of the skin for a more youthful look
  • Revive dull-looking skin
  • Increase natural collagen production, in addition to adding collagen to weaker parts of the face
  • Providing a temporary ‘lift’ to the face as the skin becomes plumper and firmer
  • Make the face look more rested and energetic

Results of the Liquid Face Lift will vary by individual and the type of dermal fillers used. Still, most people can benefit from just one round of treatments!!

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Why Do Eyelids Sag With Age? Mystery Is Solved!

ScienceDaily (Aug. 27, 2008) — Many theories have sought to explain what causes the baggy lower eyelids that come with aging, but UCLA researchers have now found that fat expansion in the eye socket is the primary culprit. As a result, researchers say, fat excision should be a component of treatment for patients seeking to address this common complaint.

"A common treatment performed in the past and present is surgical excision of fat to treat a 'herniation of fat' — meaning that the amount of fat in the eye socket does not change but the cover that holds the fat in place, the orbital septum, is weakened or broken and fat slips out," said lead author Dr. Sean Darcy, a research associate in the division of plastic and reconstructive surgery at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and a plastic surgery resident at the University of California, Irvine. "This orbital septum weakening or herniation-of-fat theory is what most plastic surgeons have been taught.
"However, our study showed there is actually an increase in fat with age, and it is more likely that the fat increase causes the baggy eyelids rather than a weakened ligament," Darcy said. "There have been no studies to show that the orbital septum weakens."

According to a recent report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly 241,000 Americans underwent eyelid surgery in 2007, making it one of the top four surgical cosmetic procedures performed.

Currently, many plastic surgeons performing procedures to treat baggy eyelids do not remove any fat at all. They reposition the fat or conduct more invasive tightening of the muscle that surrounds the eye, or they tighten the actual ligament that holds the eyeball in place. These procedures are performed despite there being no data indicating that these structures change with age."Our findings may change the way some plastic surgeons treat baggy eyes," said study co-author Dr. Timothy Miller, professor and chief of plastic surgery at the Geffen School. "Our study showed that a component of a patient's blepharoplasty procedure should almost routinely involve fat excision rather than these procedures."

Visit our website for more information on Eyelid Surgery, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

CVD: Bypass the Surgeon, Not Your Heart!

You have the power to prevent the number-one killer of men and women. At TIFM, we can help you reduce your risk of stroke and heart attack - the two most pervasive outcomes of unchecked cardiovascular disease (CVD) - through highly advanced healing and regenerating treatments that focus on the root causes of CVD.

To uncover the root causes and determine your risk for CVD, TIFM uses thermal imaging, heavy-metal toxicity analysis, hormone assessment, and a host of other evaluation tools designed to expose your risk factors before they cause irreparable damage. TIFM also offers a test that measures highly sensitive C-Reactive protein levels in the blood. C-reactive protein is an indicator of inflammation, and is linked to CVD.

Our CVD protocols are without comparison and can be highly successful. Intravenous (IV) therapies like our famous Phosphatidylcholine IV, Calcium EDTA and other revolutionary treatments and processes, stand out in the field of advanced medicine as effective, life-altering treatments.

Visit our website for more information on CVD, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Politicians and Business Leaders Strong Candidates for Cosmetic Surgery

While women make up the largest population of cosmetic surgery patients year after year, an increasing number of men are showing interest in Botox, facial rejuvenation and other cosmetic enhancements.

The Harley Medical Group reports that politicians and business leaders are particularly strong candidates for treatment, and the number of men going under the knife has increased significantly in the last six months.

According to, there has been a 33% increase in eyelid lift surgery (blepharoplasty), a 17% increase in male facelifts and a 43% increase in Botox.

Dr Fratti, cosmetic surgeon at The Harley Medical Group, commented, “High stress careers take their toll on the face and can speed the aging process” (Source:

Politicians and business leaders who need a fresh, clean-cut image as part of their career can erase many of the common signs of aging with these key procedures.

Staying competitive in today’s business environment also means maintaining a youthful look, and many men reportedly turn to cosmetic surgery as a career move. According to US News and World Report, “there’s increasing research that says looks matter in jobs beyond the silver screen—that beautiful people make more money and have more opportunities for advancement.”

Is Your Nose Causing All Your Problems?

The Mayo Clinic often prescribes "anti-fungal" medications to sinus patients because they've found that those who suffer from sinusitis have a fungal overgrowth in their sinus cavities. While these medications may provide some relief, they do come with side effects, and they do not address the underlying problem — they simply treat the symptoms.

Note: Fungus can get into your sinus cavities from mold in your home, office, car, and other places.

Since 1996, we (at TIFM) have prescribed a very unique product that some of you have already used with great success. There is fungus everywhere, and sadly it affects our daily lives.

It is hot and it rains — symptoms rise from bad backs, hot flashes, increased carb cravings, and more — as the mold count goes up. I suggest checking the daily pollen count and avoid the outdoor air as much as possible to the same degree you would avoid getting wet when it rains. It is in your car air filter, your duct work at home, food and YOUR NOSE!!!

There are also foods that feed this fungus in your nose and in your GI tract. Wine, beer, coffee, tea, soda, chocolate, sugars (pasta, wheat, potatoes, corn) and cheese. All of these foods "feed" the yeast/fungus. I Do NOT recommend using commercial sugar substitutes that contain dangerous chemicals! For more info on this, search Dr. Russell Blaylock on YouTube. I also do not recommend substituting dairy products with soy.

If you suffer from stuffy nose, chronic rhinitis, can't sleep on your back at night (because of clogged up sinuses), or often go to your family physician with sinus infections (only to be prescribed antibiotics, which actually makes the problem worse), then you should strongly consider being treated for yeast in the sinuses!! Our custom compounded product that was designed for this by Apothecure is called FLUQNAC Nasal Spray.

For more information, please call Beverly Osborn, Patient Coordinator, 972-239-7317 ext. 134.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Fullness In, Tautness Out In Face Surgery

"Stretched" Look Giving Way To Plumper One In Battle To Keep Looking Young

More and more, aesthetic surgeons and dermatologists are seeking to attain a full, plump, juicy appearance for patients trying to keep their faces looking as young as possible, as opposed to the taut look, with skin pulled extra-tight, that we're all so used to seeing, New York magazine reports.

Classic cosmetic facial surgery used to involve procedures such as lifts and tucks, which tightened the face.

One obvious example, points out CBS News correspondent CBS News correspondent Michelle Guilen, is comedian Joan Rivers -- who even pokes fun at the work she's had done.

Gielan says adding volume to the face with surgery or injectable fillers is becoming popular now.

"I think celebrities now are sculpting their faces more with fillers to give them that more attractive, youthful appearance that they had when they were younger," observes Dr. Fredric Brandt, a cosmetic dermatologist.

On The Early Show Thursday, plastic surgeon Dr. Darrick Antell agreed, telling co-anchor Harry Smith, "Today, we realize that volume is an important component. It's not just about lifting. A two-pronged approach is the best way to do it. We combine fillers with a lifting procedure.

"Fillers will help replace volume. They're often a good thing to do early on. We've seen a 14 percent increase in facelifts in the last year. That's huge. Fourteen percent."

He showed Smith a composite photo of a cosmetic surgery "patient" as an example that, "It's more about fullness. She has full cheeks. She looks juicy, if I were to pick one term."

Antell noted, "We want to maintain their identity. I think plastic surgery should whisper and not scream. That's really what it's about. You want to look better, not different."

Interestingly, Antell said, "One of the most common filler we use is fat injections -- your own fat. You can't be allergic to it. There are also some off-the-shelf products available as an office procedure with virtually no down time or recovery."

What Makes Us Perceive a Face as Beautiful?

Psychologists and anthropologists have long tried to nail down what makes us perceive one face as beautiful and another not. There are theories about the math of it, the "Golden Ratio"-how, if you take careful measurements of the lines and triangles formed by a beautiful face, they will add up to the same proportions first noted by the Greeks to be aesthetically pleasing. More recently, a scientist named Michael Cunningham took it upon himself to study the faces of 50 women, half of whom were finalists in an international beauty pageant. In "Measuring the Physical in Physical Attractiveness" (italics mine), he wrote that the width of an eye, if it is to be part of a beautiful face, should be precisely three-tenths the width of the face, and the chin ought to be just one-fifth the height of the face, while the total area of the nose had better be less than 5 percent of the total area of the face!

In the end, the science of beauty seems to point to a few general parameters: We tend to like large eyes, high cheekbones, a small nose, a large smile, and a small chin. What the scientific literature doesn't mention is that we like it all to be as young as possible. This wasn't always the case. The Gibson Girl ideal of the early twentieth century, writes Daniel Delis Hill in Advertising to the American Woman, had the features of a mature, fully formed woman: "heavy lidded eyes accented with thick lashes; fine, high eyebrows, pronounced cheekbones and firm jawlines." In the forties and fifties, the most successful models of the day-Dovima, Lisa Fonssagrives, Suzy Parker-were elegant, haughty, aristocratic, especially when photographed by Irving Penn or Richard Avedon. The sixties and seventies brought a sea change that created a younger beauty ideal, but the aesthetic was more casual than adolescent.

But in the last ten years, perhaps with the coming of Britney Spears, the age of the ideal has dropped precipitously. Now both fashion and celebrity magazines are filled with images of teenagers-whether they're Eastern European models or tanned California reality stars. Their faces are plump and dewy and flushed with youth. As thin as their bodies are, they still haven't entirely shed the baby fat in their faces. This, it seems, is what women in their forties and fifties are now after: baby fat.

It's impossible to pinpoint exactly when or how a new aesthetic is born, but it seems clear that once we became obsessed with the baby face of the teenage girl, the world of dermatology came up with more and better ways for us to achieve the plumpness of youth. We've moved way beyond simply injecting bovine collagen into our lips. Today there's a dizzying nanotechnological world of hyaluronic acid and collagen fillers-Zyplast, Cosmoderm, Perlane, Juvéderm, Evolence, Sculptra-each with a different "bead" size targeted to fill every wrinkle on the face (microscopic for the lines around the eyes, heavier gauge for a cheek or nasolabial fold). With these tools, a woman can dramatically alter her face without going anywhere near a surgeon's office. All that's required are twice-a-year injection appointments with an aesthetic surgeon.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The "New" Plastic Surgery: It’s All About Fat

All Americans are rich by global standards. Even the poorest among us live well compared to many other countries and 90% of human history. But some of us are certainly richer than others and, how do you showcase it? If you are a man, you buy a beautiful woman. If you are a woman, well, beauty is power.

Previously, women used possessions like luxury cars, clothing and the ubiquitous "it bag" to show that not only could they sport expensively maintained manicures, but that they had loads of money to spend on seasonally expendable items. But this was not a perfect solution. You have to leave the car parked somewhere and even the cleverest vanity plate can't fix that. Despite tattooing brand logos and names over every conceivable surface, clothing is easily imitated and quickly discarded. Even the gorgeous Birkin bag making the rounds this season gets set on the floor in restrooms.

So what is the solution? Cosmetic surgery, naturally. Your face is your calling card but even the most Sophia Loren among us can't escape aging. New York Magazine's cover story, "The New New Face" by Johnathan van Meter, is all about maintaining your best status symbol. The word on the street now is not "tight" a la Joan Rivers, but "plumped" like a... baby. Because babies are powerful.

As "The New New Face" explains, the face lift has transformed over the past decade. It used to be about pulling and tightening but now is all about - fat. In describing the adolescent ideal pursued by today's plastic surgery client, the mag says, "As thin as teen's bodies are, they still haven't entirely shed the baby fat in their faces. This is what women in their forties and fifties are now after: baby fat." Babies certainly do look young! And they have oodles of fat. Now, while doing liposuction, we can save the fat instead of throwing it away.

Waste not, want not! How very American!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Injections of Vitamin C Slash Cancer Growth

Researchers at the National Institute of Health noted the phenomenon in brain, ovarian and pancreatic cancers, according to findings published in the August 5th issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. High doses of vitamin C injections reduced the size of tumors and slowed cancerous growths by about 50 percent in laboratory mice, according to US research.

"Researchers discovered that high concentrations of ascorbate had anticancer effects in 75 percent of cancer cell lines tested, while sparing normal cells," the report said. "The researchers traced ascorbate's anti-cancer effect to the formation of hydrogen peroxide in the extracellular fluid surrounding the tumors. Normal cells were unaffected," it said. Injections were necessary because the body regulates vitamin C when ingested so that higher doses cannot be attained.

"When you eat foods containing more than 200 milligrams of vitamin C a day -- for example, two oranges and a serving of broccoli -- your body prevents blood levels of ascorbate from exceeding a narrow range," said Mark Levine, the study's lead author and chief of the Molecular and Clinical Nutrition Section of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

Scientists "injected ascorbate into the veins or abdominal cavities of rodents with aggressive brain, ovarian, and pancreatic tumors," the report said, delivering "up to four grams per kilogram of body weight daily." By injecting mice with 43 cancer and five normal cell lines, "the researchers discovered that high concentrations of ascorbate had anticancer effects in 75 percent of cancer cell lines tested, while sparing normal cells." Scientists involved with the study also pointed to evidence that "these high ascorbate concentrations could be achieved in people."

"In immune-deficient mice with rapidly spreading ovarian, pancreatic, and glioblastoma (brain) tumors ... the ascorbate injections reduced tumor growth and weight by 41 to 53 percent." The researchers concluded that the findings "provide the first firm basis for advancing pharmacologic ascorbate in cancer treatment in humans." Vitamin C was considered as a possible treatment for cancer three decades ago, but subsequent studies showed oral doses provided no benefit.

TIFM has administered IV Vit C since opening 15 years ago and has long followed the teaching of Dr Linus Pauling regarding the many benefits of Vit C in the body. It helps with:

  • Colds
  • Allergies
  • Allows for more rapid recovery from surgery-several IV’s given weeks before and after surgery often cuts healing time in half and tremendously reduces bruising
  • Recently several cancer oriented physicians are sending us their patients for ultra high doses of Vit C
  • Helps detox the body from chemicals

This is the easiest IV you will ever receive while listening to music on your headset, reading a book or simply taking a nap.

Please call ASAP for more information!!

Major Confusion on How to Do Breast Checks

Breast self-exams have long been recommended as a simple way for women to keep track of anything unusual in their breasts. Now, after studies have found that such exams do not reduce breast cancer death rates, and actually increase the rate of unnecessary biopsies, many experts are recommending a more relaxed approach known as “breast awareness.”

Breast awareness is really self-explanatory. It means women should regularly check their breasts for changes, but can do so in a way that feels natural for them. In other words, you don’t have to do it on the same day each month, or using any particular pattern.

Simply be aware of what’s normal for you so you can recognize anything out of the ordinary.

What should you keep an eye out for?

  • A new lump or hard knot found in your breast or armpit.
  • Dimpling, puckering or indention in your breast or nipple.
  • Change in the size, shape or symmetry of your breast.
  • Swelling or thickening of the breast.
  • Redness or scaliness of the nipple or breast skin.
  • Nipple discharge, especially any that is bloody, clear and sticky, dark or occurs without squeezing your nipple.
  • Changes in your nipple, such as tenderness, pain, turning or drawing inward, or pointing in a new direction.
  • Any suspicious changes in your breasts.
Aside from breast self-exams, the other mainstay in the U.S. medical system is the mammogram. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends women get a mammogram every year or two after age 40.

The benefits of mammograms are highly controversial, while the risks are well established. Numerous studies have found that:

  • Widespread screening is unjustified.
  • Many false positives can lead to expensive repeat screenings and can sometimes result in unnecessary invasive procedures including biopsies and surgeries. Biopsies are being found to be not as safe as previously thought.
  • Fear of just thinking about breast cancer can lead to other illnesses in your body; meaning a false positive mammogram, an unnecessary biopsy can be very damaging to your health.
  • We all have heard of the unnecessary mastectomies that have occurred from false positives.
  • Mammograms expose your body to radiation that can be 1,000 times greater than that from a chest x-ray, which poses risks of cancer. Mammography also compresses your breasts tightly, and often painfully, which could lead to a lethal spread of cancerous cells, should they exist.

Safe screening methods do exist but you’re not likely to hear about them from your general practitioner as they are afraid of being sued by a woman who develops breast cancer and wasn’t told to get a mammogram. This attitude is dangerous to your health!

Thermographic breast screening is brilliantly simple. It measures the radiation of infrared heat from your body and translates this information into anatomical images. Your normal blood circulation is under the control of your autonomic nervous system, which governs your body functions.

To screen for breast cancer, in a rather cool room, we can see your autonomic nervous system reduce the amount of blood going to your breast, as a temperature-regulating measure. However, the pool of blood and primitive blood vessels that cancer cells create is not under autonomic control and is unaffected by the cool air. It will therefore stand out clearly on the thermographic image as a "hot spot."

Thermography uses no mechanical pressure or ionizing radiation, and can detect signs of breast cancer years earlier than either mammography or a physical exam.

Mammography cannot detect a tumor until after it has been growing for years and reaches a certain size. Thermography is able to detect the possibility of breast cancer much earlier, because it can image the early stages of angiogenesis (the formation of a direct supply of blood to cancer cells, which is a necessary step before they can grow into tumors of size).This combined with our knowledge of the various causes of disorders in the breast, such as a bad tooth, can detect any disorders earlier than mammogram and get at the underlying causes that can be corrected.

Please call us for an appointment on the newest high definition camera and quit playing the scare game.

Fat and the New Face

One look at the recent examples of celebrity makeovers and one thing becomes very apparent. Their faces didn’t seem pulled tight in that typical face-lift way; they seemed pushed out. Women have been availing themselves of new faces since the dawn of plastic surgery, but suddenly it seemed that there was a better new face to be had. There is a New New Face, very different from the old one. Demi Moore, Michelle Pfeiffer, Liz Hurley, Naomi Campbell, Stephanie Seymour. They all have it. There is a noticeable aesthetic shift happening in the face, and that it’s dovetailing with quantum leaps in aesthetic surgery.

Through extreme fitness and calorie restriction (and maybe a little lipo), women have figured out how to tame their aging bodies for longer than ever. You see them everywhere in New York City: forty- and fifty-somethings who look better than a 25 year old in a fitted little dress or a tight pair of jeans. But this level of fitness has created a new problem to which the New New Face is the solution—gauntness. Past a certain age, it’s either your fanny or your face. In other words, if your body is fierce (from yoga, Pilates, and the treadmill), your face will have no fat on it either. It was only a matter of time before a certain segment of the female population would figure out how to have it both ways, even if it means working out two hours a day and then paying someone to volumize their faces, as they say in the dermatology business. And they look, well, if not exactly young, then attractive in a different way. A yoga body plus the New New Face may not be a fountain of youth, but it’s a fountain of indeterminate age!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Sizing Up Breast Implants – How to Make the Right Choice

Thousands of women pursue breast augmentation procedures each year to improve their body image, enhance their figure and achieve their ideal chest size. The initial consultation with an aesthetic surgeon provides a realistic perspective on what to expect from breast implants and breast augmentation, and choosing the right size is a part of this process.

If you’re considering breast implant surgery or other breast enhancement procedures, here’s how to choose the right size so that the implants are in perfect proportion to the rest of your body:

  1. Have your breasts measured by a professional. Many women do not know the real size of their breasts, and are often wearing the wrong size bra as a result. Having your breasts measured either through a bra fitting or at your surgeon’s office can help you make an accurate assessment of your breasts and learn your real size.

  2. Take a before picture. Taking inventory of your body before any type of cosmetic treatment is an essential part of the process, and this can help you get a realistic look at your proportions and natural figure. An aesthetic surgeon can then take your picture and mark it up with your proposed breast implant size; some surgeons also offer virtual makeover computer programs in the office, which can help you visualize your future body with ease.

  3. Put on a sizer. Breast sizers are ‘false implants’ that can be inserted into the bra. These can help you visualize the implants with your regular clothes, so you can get a preview of your new look before any type of surgery.

  4. Consider the impact on your skin. Most women who pursue breast augmentation 2 - 3 cup sizes larger than their natural size will experience extensive stretching of the skin. This stretching can cause extensive stretch marks, which do not disappear naturally after the treatment. Laser skin resurfacing techniques can help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and scarring after breast augmentation surgery, so a few treatments during the recovery phases may help you improve the texture and tone of your skin after the procedure. If you want to reduce the risk of stretch marks, choosing a breast size that is only ½ cup or 1 cup larger than your original size may be a better choice.

  5. Get a second opinion. After you’ve uploaded your photo to a 3D simulation program or taken before and after pictures with and without the sizer, you may want a second opinion on your selection. Meeting with a close friend or family member to discuss the proposed change can help you determine if you are being realistic with your goals of breast augmentation.

Choosing the right size of implants for your breast augmentation procedure can be challenging, and you’ll need time to discuss and review different options available with your surgeon.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You Can Slow Down (and Reverse) Aging

Take Care of your Skin Now & Undo Prior Damage with Cosmetic Surgery

Surprisingly, the loss of facial fat and sun exposure play bigger roles than gravity does in the aging of the face. People make assumptions about how the face ages because when they pull up on their facial skin, they look better. Actually, the pull of gravity on facial tissues is not a significant component of facial aging. Instead, the loss of facial fat and sun damage are far more contributory in the complex process of aging. In addition, the nature of facial skin changes over time becoming thinner, most notably around the eyelids. These changes are often accelerated by sun exposure, which damages the skin. For cosmetic surgeons, treatment requires a balance between tightening tissue and replacing lost facial fat with wrinkle fillers.

Genetically programmed chronological aging begins at birth. We start to notice the signs of aging, beginning in our twenties. The genetic program of individuals is different, so the loss of skin firmness and elasticity occurs at different rates and at different times in one individual as compared to others. The skin begins to sag, appears less supple and wrinkles start to form. One way to prevent them from appearing early on in life is to avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreens with SPFs 15 or higher. Once damaged, however, the skin can be rejuvenated with a physician supervised skin care program; including tretinoin, chemical peels and blemish fading creams. Dr. Light also recommends a collagen/hyaluronic acid powdered drink sold by ApotheCure Pharmacy to increase the thickness of the dermis resulting in thicker, healthier appearing skin.

Customers ask when they should expect to see results from using anti-aging products. Again, results will be different for each individual, generally due to the condition of one's skin prior to use. Also, improvements from anti-aging products generally do not occur overnight. Whether you are trying to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, puffiness or age spots, the process is gradual, and can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks; depending on the severity of your problem areas.

Finally, fat can be returned to the face using a procedure known as fat grafting, or facial fat transfer. Dr. Light has considerable expertise with this procedure. It is a safe, simple and very gratifying treatment that effectively addresses a key element of noticeable facial aging.

Breast Augmentation Secrets

With breast augmentation, some treatment approaches work best on certain body types, while others can be chosen based on an individual's aesthetic goals.

Breast augmentation surgery is not a "cookie-cutter, one-implant-for-all" type of thing. It is very much an individual thing; based on your anatomy, desires, goals and what makes you look and feel the best overall!

Implants — Silicone -vs- Saline Implants

Silicone implants are generally considered the superior implant because they offer a more natural feel and appearance than saline implants. They are also less likely to cause rippling. Silicone is a little bit softer, feels more like breast tissue, and feels a little more natural overall. So silicone is certainly an upgrade over saline implants. Women with little breast tissue benefit most from silicone -vs- saline implants.

Saline implants boast their own benefits. They generally cost less than silicone implants. And, in many cases, saline implants produce a shorter scar than silicone implants because the implants are filled after they are inserted into the breasts (requiring a smaller incision). Conversely, silicone implants come pre-filled (requiring a slightly longer incision through which the implants are placed).

Placement — Above-Muscle -vs- Below-Muscle

Placement of implants really depends on the anatomy of the individual, and what is going to make you look good. Because the quality of breast implants has improved greatly in recent years, both above-muscle and below-muscle implant placements are appropriate breast augmentation techniques. Dr. Light recommends placements based on the body type and your expectations.

For example, women with breast laxity will benefit more from above-muscle implants because implants placed below the chest muscle will ride higher than the sagging breast tissue; which can result in a "double-bubble" effect.

However, women who lack breast tissue may be best suited for below-muscle implants because the chest muscle will provide additional implant coverage; which results in a more natural appearance.


Of course, all breast augmentation patients are concerned with the resulting bra size. Dr. Light can tell you how big you can go (and still be able to safely close the incision) as well as answering your questions and providing other important and helpful advice. Because many breast augmentation patients wish they had gone a bit bigger after the swelling from surgery goes down, he encourages his patients to think a little big. In the end, however, it is up to you to make the final decision.

Incision — Incisional Approaches

Dr. Light can use several techniques to insert breast implants; including the transaxillary (underarm), areola (nipple) or inframammary fold (breast crease) techniques. The areolar incision approach is a great solution for women who desire as little scarring as possible. This is Dr. Light's preferred technique as well. The scar discreetly blends in with the surrounding skin. Breast implants placed through the crease may leave more prominent scars. When you lift up the breast, you will see a white line in the crease of the breast. But it's not unsightly. The scars cannot be seen straight on, and their appearance will continue to fade over time.

Making the Right Choices

Dr. Light stresses the need for patients to understand the procedure they are to undergo, and to be as educated as possible about their surgeon's credentials. It is important that the surgeon is a member of a professional organization such as the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons (AACS) that specializes in cosmetic surgical procedures.

Human Growth Factors — What Are They & Why Should I Care?

"Human Growth Factors" (alternatively called "Human Oligopeptides") is a relatively new skin care technology from South Korea; where they discovered a method of creating human growth factors in the same manner that human insulin and growth hormones are made.

It's the new buzz phrase that you have or will start hearing about in high-price salons and upper-end aesthetic skin care lines.

Growth factors are found naturally in healthy skin. They can also rejuvenate sun-damaged and aging skin, enhance skin texture, reduce the appearance of age spots and blotchiness, and improve skin elasticity overall.

Benefits of Human Growth Factors:

  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Reduces the roughness of skin.
  • Improves the appearance of age spots and dyspigmentation.
  • Improves the firmness and texture of skin.
  • Improves the elasticity of skin.

Below is a partial list of the new compounds that are incorporated into a high-tech aesthetic skincare line of products that is available at ApotheCure and TIFM right now:

  • Insulin Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) — Activates Growth Hormones. Forms bone, muscle and nerve tissue. Improves regeneration of damaged cells. Revitalizes aged skin cells. Hastens the biosynthesis of hyaluronic acid.

  • Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF) — Regulates skin growth. Restores aged tissue. Treats bruises. Increases skin cell multiplication. Improves skin elasticity. Smoothes wrinkles. Hastens biosynthesis of hyaluronic acid. Increases blood circulation in the skin.

  • Copper Tri-Peptide-1 — Has been known for many years to help the skin maintain its youthful elasticity without side effects.

  • Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) — Protein that heals skin injuries without scarring. Restores aged skin cells. Hastens the growth of the cells that synthesize collagen and elastin. Hastens the biosynthesis of hyaluronic acid.

  • Thioredoxin (TRX) — Strong anti-oxidant. Controls free radicals. Keeps skin from aging. Stops cells from dying.

  • Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) — Stimulates new blood cell formation and multiplication.

  • Acid Fibroblast Growth Factor (aFGF) — Promotes neurological cell growth.

Email us TODAY for more information on these exciting breakthrough products.

NOTE: The products described herein meet the FDA's definition of cosmetic products, and are intended to clean, beautify, promote attractiveness or alter your appearance. The statements herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to be drug products that diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition.

Natural Supplements for Beauty & Health

Getting Essential Minerals from Everyday Food

As we get older, poor nutrition is clearly visible on our skin. Many vital nutrients are essential for the skin to regenerate, and therefore, to keep its radiance and tone. The gorgeous English actress Gillian Taylforth takes her vitamins and minerals daily to maintain her youthful look. And so does Lindsay Lohan. So let us review some of these nutrients and supplements, if you are interested in staying young and healthy through better skin. Please note, if you plan to have cosmetic surgery, you should disclose which supplements you are taking to your cosmetic surgeon.

Essential Fatty Acids: With the non-fat and low-fat craze of the 80s and 90s, many men and women deprive their skin of fats altogether. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are essential fatty acids that you need for your skin. These oils help your skin fight inflammation, which is associated with many skin conditions such as acne, eczema and others. You can get Omega-3 fatty acids from cold water fish. You can also take a supplement that contains these fatty acids as well. In any case, get good quality oil. Omega-6 essential fatty acids are more common. You can get them from Evening Primrose Oil or Borage Oil. Other sources include eggs, poultry, some vegetable oils, and whole grain breads. You can also take a supplement of Primrose Oil or Borage Oil (preferably cold pressed).

Antioxidants: It is well known that antioxidant vitamins, such as A, C and E, are great for your general health and your skin. They are used in many creams and skin care formulations. They fight free radicals, which make us old and sick. Antioxidants, in simple terms, are the fighters that protect your body. For good skin and hair health, make sure you are taking enough of these nutrients. You can easily get them from every day foods, but you may want to get them from supplements as well; especially if you are not sure about what sort of vitamins you are getting from your food intake.

Zinc: Lack of zinc may cause slower healing on cuts or active acne. Zinc helps the skin grow and regenerate. Foods that contain zinc include eggs, meats and wheat germ.

Iodine: Deficiencies of this mineral may cause dry hair and various skin conditions. Iodine helps in the proper functioning of your thyroid. Foods that contain this mineral include seafood and iodized salt.

Selenium: This is also an antioxidant, and it works in conjunction with vitamin E to keep us young. Foods that contain this antioxidant include fish and whole grains.

Cosmetic Surgery is for Everybody Now — It's Not Just for the Rich Anymore!

Not only is cosmetic surgery no longer a “woman thing” as many men enjoy the benefits too, but nowadays it is also no longer a “rich people thing” either. Why? The cost has dropped significantly during the last decade.

There are more surgeons in the field, higher competition, and improvements in technology – all of which has led to a very high demand for all kinds of cosmetic surgery! This is reflected in the number of people from nearly all segments of society who are having cosmetic surgery these days. The number is growing rapidly – in double digits – on a monthly basis.

Also, the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS) has studied who is having cosmetic surgery. Check out these stats of people who are having cosmetic surgery nowadays:

Annual Salary:

  • 41% : $31,000 - $60,000

  • 16% : $61,000 - $90,000

  • 13% : $91,000+


  • 26% : 18-29

  • 38% : 30-49

  • 36% : 50+

These are people just like you and me! It is not just a “Demi Moore or Pamela Anderson thing” anymore. And it is not something that only older people are doing either.

It is the young mom next door, the waiter or waitress who served you coffee this morning, your coworkers, the people you see and talk to every day as you do your daily activities, and now it could be you!

Most of the people interviewed felt that they could achieve emotional, psychological and social improvements by having cosmetic surgery. Although most participants were interested in improving their appearance, many emphasized that they were not motivated by vanity. Instead, they associated cosmetic surgery with improving a bothersome physical feature to overcome their dissatisfaction and unhappiness with that feature.

And best of all, we offer Care Credit; an interest free loan for one year!! What a wonderful thing to have available whether you are worried about finances or not!

Cosmetic surgery has never been more accessible and affordable than it is right now – call today to schedule an appointment!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Looking & Feeling More Youthful can be Affordable!

It’s something you’ve always wanted to do, but something else was always there to hold you back. Well, not anymore!

Did you know? You can get a credit account that is designed specifically for your health and beauty needs!

Enjoy low minimum monthly payment options, no up-front costs, no pre-payment penalties and no annual fees.

Now you can move forward with getting the procedures that you’ve always wanted, and without the "pain in the pocket-book" that has always held you back.

So what are you waiting for? Get started today! It's as EZ as 1-2-3:

  1. Apply for a CareCredit Account
  2. Get Instant Online Approval
  3. Schedule an Appointment

Breast Implants: #1 Plastic Surgery Procedure

"But if the numbers are clear, the reasons behind them are not. Women have varied motives for wanting implants, which have just gotten a boost from the FDA."

The statistics of cosmetically enhanced breasts are what pop culture suggests they are – eye popping. Last year, there were 329,000 operations in the United States to rebuild, enhance, enlarge, uplift or otherwise change breasts. That made breast enhancement the No. 1 form of plastic surgery, up 55 percent from six years previous.

And there is no statistic – or prognosticator – suggesting the popularity of breast surgery is likely to abate anytime soon.

But if the numbers are clear, the reasons behind them are not. Experts offer a variety of answers, from looks to better jobs, when asked why breast enhancement is such a boom industry.

"Why do women's breasts have so much cultural power?" asks Marjorie Jolles, assistant professor in the women's studies program at Cal State Fullerton. "It's a topic that scholars devote whole careers to studying."

Sex – or at least the hint of it – clearly is part of the equation.

"Women who are 40 years old and divorced think larger implants lead to richer men," says Jason Pozner, M.D., assistant professor of surgery at the University of Miami School of Medicine. But other women want breast implants to avoid being overlooked in other areas of life. "Society rewards women for their looks," says Mary Gilly, professor of marketing at UCI's Merage School of Business. "Men can get by with money and power – Hugh Hefner doesn't get all those young girlfriends based on his looks. But women need to look good to be noticed."

Some suggest that women get breast implants to improve their self-image.

Robert Grant, president of the Allergan Medical division at Irvine-based implant maker Allergan Inc. says surveys show that women "aren't getting them to attract men, but to feel greater confidence in their femininity."

Ava Shamban, a Santa Monica dermatologist and consultant for the "Extreme Makeover" TV show says large breasts are part of society's feminine ideal, which women accept and try to achieve.

"We're supposed to look like Barbie dolls. We're supposed to have these huge breasts, waists of 22, and hips of a young man. Is that fair? No," she says.

Cal State Fullerton's Jolles takes an approach that borders on the anthropological, saying breasts are important in American culture as visible symbols of maternity and sexuality.

Not only do they function as a mother's intimate bond to their babies, they also "have a rather public side as well," Jolles says, adding that people feel entitled to "comment on" women's breasts.

And, because men's attention is a potential source of power, Jolles adds, many women – though not all – consciously or subconsciously care what their breasts look like because men care.

"Looking good means looking good to men," Jolles says.

The recent surge in breast implants comes despite cautions from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration about medical problems that implants can cause.

The FDA approved the use of more natural-feeling silicone breast implants in November 2006 for patients age 22 and up. That approval ended a 14-year moratorium during which doctors, implant manufacturers and regulators watched for any complications caused by the implants.

The agency concluded that silicone implants are probably not linked to disease but might cause problems such as chronic pain, especially when they rupture. For that reason, the FDA said patients who choose silicone implants need to have an MRI scan to look for leaks after three years and every two years after that.

Despite that extra burden, patients are now choosing silicone over saline-filled models by about 3-to-1, says Donald Altman, chief of plastic surgery at Irvine Regional Hospital and Medical Center.

The surge in implant operations was well under way even before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration lifted its moratorium on silicone implants late last year. Last year's total of implant procedures was up 23 percent from 2005.

Now the pace of breast enhancement surgeries is likely to increase, since silicone models are so popular, says Dr. Roxanne Guy, president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

For more information or to setup an appointment, please call:

Beverly Brown-Osborn
Patient Care Coordinator
(972) 239-6317 ext 134