The medical roll CIT (collagen induction therapy) is a procedure developed to promote collagen deposition in the dermis, just below the surface of the skin. It is an effective procedure for acne scarring, stretch marks and upper lip wrinkles.
The procedure can be done under local anesthesia or with IV sedation. The procedure involves rolling a small device over the skin. This causes tissue regeneration and collagen deposition under the skin. The growth of new collagen fills in the depressions caused by acne scarring or by the resorption of collagen, as seen in the wrinkles formed in the upper lip. Because the collagen is formed by your own body, the results are permanent.
Conventional treatments for acne scarring and upper lip wrinkles are centered around resurfacing techniques, such as dermabrasion, CO 2 laser resurfacing, or deep peels. All of these modalities work by removing a layer of skin. Apart from being painful, they do pose risks, such as scarring and changes in pigmentation. The medical roll CIT works underneath the skin to promote collagen deposition, not by removing skin. In fact, the surface skin stays intact. There are no raw surfaces. The advantages are many. First, the risk for scarring is extremely low, because the procedure does not remove any skin. Second, there is no risk of pigment changes (changes in the color of the skin). And third, healing is painless and the recovery is relatively fast.
Visit our website for more information on Acne Scar Treatments, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Revolutionary New Treatment For Acne Scars, Upper Lip Lines & Stretch Marks
For more information or to setup an appointment, please call:
Beverly Brown-Osborn
Patient Care Coordinator
(972) 239-6317 ext 134
Patient Care Coordinator
(972) 239-6317 ext 134