Wow! What a great Scrabble word!! Let me explain, in simple science, the underlying reasons why you age faster than you want:
The human body has a large group of very complex substances that constantly remodel you and repair your body tissue. These substances work on your extra cellular matrix, the area containing non-cellular materials that provide structural support (the scaffolding), supply ingredients for cell adhesion (the glue) and migration and regulate cellular differentiation (what each new cell becomes), as well as its metabolic function (the rate of growth). The number of these elements is often larger than the total number of actual cells in your body.
Shew... And, we all thought there was only “jelly” beneath our skin. What a workhorse it really is!
But, you may ask: Where does this group of substances get its orders? It comes from Matrix Metaloproteinases (or MMP's)!! The complexes lie dormant in your body until receiving a signal to activate them. This is where the MMP's enter the equation. MMP's stimulate this complex group of substances to determine what your skin and body look like! MMP stimulants are both natural and synthetic in origin. MMP-1, for example, directly affects your skin. It is also known as Collagenase (the "-ase" part indicates an enzyme that breaks down the first part of the word "Collagen"). So, in this case, the MMP breaks down collagen. This dissolution is a good thing because it is constantly breaking down old collagen which gets stiff and inflexible, allowing for new collagen to replace it in new blood vessel construction, tissue growth and wound repair.
It's the Circle of Life - Break Down - Build Up - Break Down - Build Up! This remodeling process is natural and takes place every day. When a cell is old, it is removed. When an injury afflicts an area, cells are changed for emergency support and repair functions. The extracellular matrix is like a network of phone lines that communicate around your body and talk to your cells all the time.
The name METAL proteinase is critical as the metal is ZINC. Cadmium replaces the ZINC and deactivates the remodeling crew. Thus, support for the skin decreases. The result is “smoker’s skin” plus rapidly aging skin that is wrinkled, thin, droopy and shallow. Mercurials, oxidized glutathione and other heavy metals also excessively activate the MMP-1 (or Collagenase) enzyme, resulting in decreased collagen. Collagen breaks down faster than normal, so your skin looks older than it should.
Growth factors are critical in signaling cells to become active and do what cells should do - such as proliferation, differentiation, and synthesis and remodeling of the extracellular matrix. These factors work both inside and outside of the extracellular matrix. Recent data indicates that they have very critical roles in skin aging. In answer to these discoveries, cosmeceuticals are now being found in high-end department stores.
So, how can we insure that the tissue beneath our skin is as healthy as it can be and, in turn, make us look as young as possible? Matrixins (the MMP’s that work on the extracellular matrix can be inhibited with EDTA, Cysteine, thiols, etc. Success in this undertaking means eliminating our bodies of toxic heavy that inhibit proper functioning of extracellular matrix remodeling and, thus, more rapid aging. Chelation substances contain all of the important factors such as DMPS (which removes mercurial compounds from the body), reduced glutathione and Vitamin C, all of which work together to decrease the activity of both MMP-1 (or Collagenase) and several other MMP's. These MMP's are all involved in breaking down many types of collagens, which leads to increased rates of aging.
Bottom line action items to keep from aging rapidly:
- Rid your body of heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium and lead and STOP smoking
- Remove silver fillings from your teeth and do IV chelation (you'll spend much less on this process than on skin treatment products which report sales in the billions of dollars annually!)
- Add as many nutrients as possible to your diet that contain anti-oxidants
- Get off all sugars! (everyone loves sugar, but your skin does not!)
- Balance your hormones (this is the true anti-aging movement of the future!)
We offer the entire range of services, not just the really great fixes of filler, fat transfers and Growth Factor cosmetics.
Visit our website for more information on Heavy Metal Detox, Amalgam Fillings, Food Allergies, and more. Then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.