Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You Can Slow Down (and Reverse) Aging

Take Care of your Skin Now & Undo Prior Damage with Cosmetic Surgery

Surprisingly, the loss of facial fat and sun exposure play bigger roles than gravity does in the aging of the face. People make assumptions about how the face ages because when they pull up on their facial skin, they look better. Actually, the pull of gravity on facial tissues is not a significant component of facial aging. Instead, the loss of facial fat and sun damage are far more contributory in the complex process of aging. In addition, the nature of facial skin changes over time becoming thinner, most notably around the eyelids. These changes are often accelerated by sun exposure, which damages the skin. For cosmetic surgeons, treatment requires a balance between tightening tissue and replacing lost facial fat with wrinkle fillers.

Genetically programmed chronological aging begins at birth. We start to notice the signs of aging, beginning in our twenties. The genetic program of individuals is different, so the loss of skin firmness and elasticity occurs at different rates and at different times in one individual as compared to others. The skin begins to sag, appears less supple and wrinkles start to form. One way to prevent them from appearing early on in life is to avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreens with SPFs 15 or higher. Once damaged, however, the skin can be rejuvenated with a physician supervised skin care program; including tretinoin, chemical peels and blemish fading creams. Dr. Light also recommends a collagen/hyaluronic acid powdered drink sold by ApotheCure Pharmacy to increase the thickness of the dermis resulting in thicker, healthier appearing skin.

Customers ask when they should expect to see results from using anti-aging products. Again, results will be different for each individual, generally due to the condition of one's skin prior to use. Also, improvements from anti-aging products generally do not occur overnight. Whether you are trying to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, puffiness or age spots, the process is gradual, and can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks; depending on the severity of your problem areas.

Finally, fat can be returned to the face using a procedure known as fat grafting, or facial fat transfer. Dr. Light has considerable expertise with this procedure. It is a safe, simple and very gratifying treatment that effectively addresses a key element of noticeable facial aging.

For more information or to setup an appointment, please call:

Beverly Brown-Osborn
Patient Care Coordinator
(972) 239-6317 ext 134