Study Shows Procedure for Removing Skin Rolls Is Effective
By Kelley ColihanWebMD Health News
Sept. 12, 2008 -- Forget the facelift, how about sprucing up the ole'back? The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is pitching a new procedure to get rid of skin rolls on your middle and upper back. The group is releasing results of a small study of seven women who had what is being called the "bra-line back lift" between 2001 and 2007.
Seven women underwent the procedure for this study. The average age was 54. Plastic surgeons went in and sliced out skin tissue, some of it 8 to 10 inches wide. The remaining tissue was reattached. The scar was conveniently hidden under the women's bra line. The procedure took about an hour, according to researchers. Patients were urged to get up and moving within two weeks, depending on how much pain they were feeling.
The women were followed for nearly two years. Two of them had to have their scars redone within a year of their back lift surgery. Study authors don't say whether the women have since regained the fat.
Rolls of back fat are something that often comes with the natural aging process. In the review of the procedures, study researchers write that "the low complication rate, brief recovery time, and high level of patient satisfaction make this a desirable procedure for surgeon and patient alike."
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Thursday, October 2, 2008
New Surgery Removes Fat on Your Back
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