Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Politicians and Business Leaders Strong Candidates for Cosmetic Surgery

While women make up the largest population of cosmetic surgery patients year after year, an increasing number of men are showing interest in Botox, facial rejuvenation and other cosmetic enhancements.

The Harley Medical Group reports that politicians and business leaders are particularly strong candidates for treatment, and the number of men going under the knife has increased significantly in the last six months.

According to, there has been a 33% increase in eyelid lift surgery (blepharoplasty), a 17% increase in male facelifts and a 43% increase in Botox.

Dr Fratti, cosmetic surgeon at The Harley Medical Group, commented, “High stress careers take their toll on the face and can speed the aging process” (Source:

Politicians and business leaders who need a fresh, clean-cut image as part of their career can erase many of the common signs of aging with these key procedures.

Staying competitive in today’s business environment also means maintaining a youthful look, and many men reportedly turn to cosmetic surgery as a career move. According to US News and World Report, “there’s increasing research that says looks matter in jobs beyond the silver screen—that beautiful people make more money and have more opportunities for advancement.”

For more information or to setup an appointment, please call:

Beverly Brown-Osborn
Patient Care Coordinator
(972) 239-6317 ext 134