Monday, November 9, 2009

Breast Augmentation Recovery in 2009 - Faster

Breast augmentation now surpasses liposuction as the most common aesthetic surgery performed in the United States. This has prompted medical experts to devise techniques to allow patients to return to work (and normal life) quicker and easier.

Recovery from breast augmentation is generally a 2-4 week process of discomfort with an impaired range of motion affecting normal daily activities.

Newer, gentler methods used by surgeons at the operating table have been developed and incorporated at TIFM.

They involve meticulous pre-operative measuring of the chest to determine proper implant size (eliminating the extra step of inserting sizers into the surgical pocket); use of electro-cautery to divide tissue in a precise, near bloodless fashion; and avoiding all "blunt" (stretching and tearing) intra-operative maneuvers or any contact with the very sensitive ribs that is common with traditional augmentation procedures.

The result of this "extra care" is amazing. Most patients can shower and brush their hair within hours after surgery and can perform regular activities the very next day; which leads to a much less traumatic experience and a happier, satisfied patient overall!

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

The Role of Environment in Making You Look Old!!

A recent study involving identical twins implies that, genetics aside, your environment can have a huge impact on your perceived age. Factors such as divorce, work stress and junk food diets are the real culprits adding years to your face.

An individual's genetic heritage will determine, initially, the way in which a person ages - but the rate at which they age can be significantly accelerated if they introduce certain negative factors into their lifestyles. In this study, they looked at identical twins because they are genetically programmed to age exactly the same, and in doing so the researchers essentially discovered that, when it comes to your face, it is possible to cheat your biological clock.

During the study, researchers obtained comprehensive questionnaires and digital images from 186 pairs of identical twins. The images were reviewed by an independent panel, which then recorded the perceived age difference between the siblings.

Results show that twins who had been divorced appeared nearly 2 years older than their siblings who were married, single, or widowed. Antidepressant use was also associated with a significantly older appearance. Researchers found that weight also played a role in apparent age. In those sets of twins who were less than 40 years old, the heavier twin was perceived as being older, while in those groups over 40 years old, the heavier twin appeared younger.

According to the researchers, the presence of stress could be one of the common denominators in those twins who appeared older while the continued relaxation of the facial muscles due to antidepressant use could account for sagging. Other factors such as smoking, excess alcohol consumption and lots of sun exposure have been indicted for contributing to an aged look.

Of course, asthetic surgery and anti-aging medicine can 'rescue' you from the jaws of the clock, but awareness is critical and it's far easier to avoid negative factors in your lifestyle in the first place.

Visit our website for more information on Aesthetic Medicine and Anti-Aging Medicine, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Get the Lead Out

We see so much lead in the heavy metals challenges we do that it is a crime that everyone doesn't test for it. It is so easy to test for, so easy to remove and even FDA approves of it so how can that not be good!!! Even the American Heart Assc'n. states that lead is one of the leading causes of CVD.

Here is an excerpt from the well-known Dr Julian Whitaker and one of the early promoters of chelation therapy in the prestigious ACAM (American College for the Advancement of Medicine). I have updated some of the information.

From Whitaker Newsletter - Abundant, durable, malleable, resistant to corrosion: No wonder lead has been such a popular metal throughout human history. Ancient Romans found a multitude of uses for it, from lining water pipes and drinking vessels to sweetening wine. What they didn't realize were the detrimental health effects of this metal. It is now believed that lead poisoning was responsible for the bizarre behavior, mental incompetence, gout, stillbirths, and sterility that afflicted the Roman aristocracy- and quite possibly contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire.

Fast forward to 1921, when General Motors engineer Thomas Midgley, Jr., came up with another use for lead. As a gasoline additive, it reduced engine knock and improved performance. Of course, it was known to be toxic. Thomas Midgley himself was plagued with a "mysterious illness" while experimenting with it and, in 1924, 15 refinery workers died and 300 more became severely psychotic as a result of working with leaded gasoline.

But that didn't matter. Thanks to corporate greed and government complicity, lead's well-documented adverse effects were ignored, and for more than 60 years this potent toxin spewed into our environment. Leaded gas was finally phased out in 1986, and air levels of lead dropped dramatically. But even today, 20 years later, 7 million tons of lead remains in our soil, water, air- and bodies.

Bones Bear the Burden of Lead

More than 90 percent of your body's total burden of lead exists in your skeleton. And for those of us who grew up in the days when lead was also in paint, pipes, water tanks, cans, and a plethora of other consumer products, that's a lot of lead. In fact, we harbor a whopping 650 times more of this heavy metal in our bones than people did 100 years ago.

Lead is a neurotoxin that causes mental retardation and developmental delays in children and a multitude of cognitive problems in people of all ages. It also damages the endothelial cells lining the arteries and curbs production of nitric oxide, impairing circulation, raising blood pressure, and increasing risk of cardiovascular disease, kidney dysfunction, cancer, and premature death.

If lead would stay put in the bones, it might not be such a problem- but it doesn't. Along with other minerals, lead is released into the bloodstream and transported to tissues throughout the body. Generally, this release is slow, gradual, and unnoticed. But there are times when it picks up speed. During pregnancy, when extra calcium is needed for fetal bone development, blood lead levels rise, increasing risk of hypertension for women with high levels, and often causing low birth weight and physical and mental developmental delays for their children.

Lead is also mobilized during mid-life and old age. Women are especially vulnerable after menopause, when bone loss increases. It is estimated that blood lead levels go up 30 percent during the five years after menopause! Men also lose bone mass as they age, and the resultant increase in blood lead levels negatively affects them as well.

Chelate the Lead Out

As you can see, we all need to take steps to get the lead out, and the fastest way to do this is to undergo a course of intravenous (IV) EDTA chelation. EDTA is a synthetic amino acid that forms a tight chemical bond with lead and other minerals and carries them out of the body in the urine. ApothéCure was asked almost 6 years to develop a new chelating agent called CALCIUM EDTA by Dr Garry Gordon, well known developer of ACAM and many advanced therapies including oral detox. We have been using this in out clinic since then as the time required per IV is fractional compared to EDTA (3 hrs).

EDTA chelation has been the number one FDA-approved therapy for lead poisoning since 1948. After World War II, sailors suffering with lead toxicity acquired while painting battleships and docks with lead-based paint were treated with EDTA chelation, and their results were remarkable. Not only did these men have the expected restoration of memory, energy, vision, and hearing, but those who also had heart disease experienced unexpected improvements in angina and circulation.

That's how the broad benefits of chelation were serendipitously discovered. Astute physicians took heed and began using chelation for patients with cardiovascular disease and circulatory problems and, for a decade or so, its popularity mushroomed. Then the politics and economics of modern medicine intervened.

To make a long story short, this relatively inexpensive, office-based therapy had no chance against the Goliaths of cardiology (surgery and drugs). Chelation became embroiled in controversy, where it remains to this day. But a few thousand physicians refused to give up on it. I've been using EDTA chelation in my clinic for about 20 years, and I've seen it eliminate angina, improve exercise tolerance, lower blood pressure, increase circulation, and save limbs on the verge of amputation. The following story, from subscriber William Tessier from Cotuit, MA, is a perfect example.

"Chelation Saved My Life"

"Fourteen years ago, my doctor told me I needed angioplasty, and if I didn't have it, I wouldn't live more than two years. Something told me that I should not do it, so I lived with angina and blocked arteries, along with asthma, for the next 12 years. I was overweight, could not walk any distance without getting out of breath, and regularly experienced uncomfortable chest pain. I was taking 11 different drugs for all of my health problems."

"Through those years I had to care for a very sick wife who passed away over five years ago. I met a friend three years ago whom I had not seen for quite some time. She told me about vitamins, nutrition, and chelation therapy, which she learned about from your newsletter."

"After undergoing chelation treatment, exercising, and eating a low-fat diet, I am a new person. People cannot get over the change in me; some don't recognize me at all. I lost 80 pounds, my asthma is now a thing of the past, and my arteries are fine. I can walk greater distances and spend nearly an hour a day on a treadmill and other exercise machines. I am also rid of all those killer drugs."

"By the way, before I started chelation, I brought the information to my doctor, who had put me on all those drugs. He said, "You will be wasting your money." He is now retired from his practice because of heart-related problems. Chelation saved my life. I am 78 years old and the friend that I met up with is now my lovely wife. I thank God that she receives Dr. Julian Whitaker's Health & Healing newsletter."

What About Oral Chelation?

I am often asked if oral chelation is the same as IV chelation. Yes and no. All chelating agents bind to minerals and move them out of the body. However, no one can convince me that oral chelators have the same effect as IV chelation.

This doesn't mean I don't recommend oral chelation. Although giant strides have been made in eliminating lead, it lingers in our environment. Even if you scrupulously avoid all known sources of exposure, you still have to contend with the lead that's stored in, and being released from, your bones. And lead is only one of many environmental toxins out there. Therefore, I support any and all efforts to chip away at the body's toxic burden.

What is the best oral chelator? Dr. Garry Gordon and ApothéCure's co-development of CaEDTA, have found that daily intake of this oral chelator is very effective during and after IV chelation as we are exposed to lead everyday of our life. Oral intake of CaEDTA is absorbed between 5 and 15% so daily intake will actually be beneficial to keeping the lead down once it is chelated out. ApothéCure has several products for you to choose from.


Although I most often recommend IV chelation for patients with heart disease or circulation problems, I believe it provides benefits for most everyone over age 50.

EDTA chelation is administered in a doctor's office via a 90-minute to three-hour IV infusion once or twice a week for a total of 25 to 30 treatments. Our new IV protocols take less than 1 hour and include new anti-aging substances for the inside of your veins. This is a minimal cost to insure the rest of your life. Call us at 972-239-6317 Ext 134 for more information.

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Most Common Cause of Fatigue that is Missed or Misdiagnosed by Doctors

Originally Posted by: Dr. Mercola September 05 2009

Your adrenal glands are each no bigger than a walnut and weigh less than a grape, yet are responsible for one of the most important functions in your body: managing stress. “The adrenals are known as ‘the glands of stress,’” writes James Wilson in his book Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Century Stress Syndrome. “It is their job to enable your body to deal with stress from every possible source, ranging from injury and disease to work and relationship problems. Your resiliency, energy, endurance and your very life all depend on their proper functioning.”

When your adrenal glands are fatigued, a condition known as adrenal fatigue or adrenal exhaustion, your entire body feels it and suffers from extreme exhaustion as well. It's estimated that up to 80 percent of adults experience adrenal fatigue during their lifetimes, yet it remains one of the most under-diagnosed illnesses in the United States.[2]

The Optimal Function of Your Adrenal Glands

Your body has two adrenal glands, located just above each of your kidneys. As part of your endocrine system, your adrenal glands secrete more than 50 hormones, many of which are essential for life and include:

  1. Glucocorticoids. These hormones, which include cortisol, help your body convert food into energy, normalize blood sugar, respond to stress and maintain your immune system's inflammatory response.
  2. Mineralocorticoids. These hormones, which include aldosterone, help keep your blood pressure and blood volume normal by maintaining a proper balance of sodium, potassium and water in your body.[3]
  3. Adrenaline. This hormone increases your heart rate and controls blood flow to your muscles and brain, along with helping with the conversion of glycogen to glucose in your liver.

Together, these hormones and others produced by your adrenal glands control such body functions as:[4]

  • Maintaining metabolic processes, such as managing blood sugar levels and regulating inflammation
  • Regulating your body's balance of salt and water
  • Controlling your "fight or flight" response to stress
  • Maintaining pregnancy
  • Initiating and controlling sexual maturation during childhood and puberty
  • Producing sex steroids such as estrogen and testosterone

Ironically, although your adrenal glands are there, in large part, to help you cope with stress, too much of it is actually what causes their function to break down.

In other words, one of your adrenal glands most important tasks is to get your body ready for the "fight or flight" stress response, which means increasing adrenaline and other hormones.

As part of this response, your heart rate and blood pressure increase, your digestion slows, and your body becomes ready to face a potential threat or challenge.

While this response is necessary and good when it's needed, many of us are constantly faced with stressors (work, environmental toxins, not enough sleep, worry, relationship problems and more) and therefore are in this "fight or flight" mode for far too long -- much longer than was ever intended from a biological standpoint.

The result is that your adrenal glands, faced with excessive stress and burden, become overworked and fatigued. Some common factors that put excess stress on your adrenals are:[5]

  • Anger, fear, anxiety, guilt, depression and other negative emotions
  • Overwork, including physical or mental strain
  • Excessive exercise
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Light-cycle disruption (such as working the night shift or often going to sleep late)
  • Surgery, trauma or injury
  • Chronic inflammation, infection, illness or pain
  • Temperature extremes
  • Toxic exposure
  • Nutritional deficiencies and/or severe allergies

Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

When your adrenal glands become depleted, it leads to a decrease in certain hormone levels, particularly cortisol. The deficiencies in certain adrenal hormones will vary with each case, ranging from mild to severe.

In its most extreme form, this is referred to as Addison's disease, a condition that causes muscle weakness, weight loss, low blood pressure and low blood sugar, and can be life threatening.

Fortunately, only about four persons per 100,000 develop Addison's disease, which is due to autoimmune disease in most cases but can also develop after very severe stress.[6]

At the other end of the spectrum, as well as in between, lies adrenal fatigue (also known as hypoadrenia). Though the symptoms are less severe than in Addison's disease, symptoms of adrenal fatigue can be debilitating. As Wilson writes:

"Non-Addison's hypoadrenia (adrenal fatigue) is not usually severe enough to be
featured on TV or to be considered a medical emergency. In fact, modern medicine
does not even recognize it as a distinct syndrome. Nevertheless, it can wreak
havoc with your life. In the more serious cases of adrenal fatigue, the activity
of the adrenal glands is so diminished that the person may have difficulty
getting out of bed for more than a few hours per day. With each increment of
reduction in adrenal function, every organ and system in your body is more
profoundly affected."[7]

Classic signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue include:

  • Fatigue and weakness, especially in the morning and afternoon

  • A suppressed immune system
  • Increased allergies
  • Muscle and bone loss and muscular weakness
  • Depression
  • Cravings for foods high in salt, sugar or fat
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Skin problems
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Increased PMS or menopausal symptoms
  • Low sex drive
  • Lightheadedness when getting up from sitting or lying down
  • Decreased ability to handle stress
  • Trouble waking up in the morning, despite a full night's sleep
  • Poor memory

Additionally, people with adrenal fatigue often get a burst of energy around 6 p.m., followed by sleepiness at 9 p.m. or 10 p.m., which is often resisted. A "second wind" at 11 p.m. is then common, which often may keep you from falling asleep until 1 a.m.[8]

Further, those with adrenal fatigue often also have abnormal blood sugar levels and mental disturbances, such as increased fears and anxiety, and rely on coffee, soda and other forms of caffeine to keep them going.

As the names implies, the most common symptom of adrenal fatigue is unrelenting fatigue, a feeling of being run down or not able to keep up with your daily demands. And because fatigue is such a common symptom, the syndrome is very often missed or misdiagnosed by physicians.

The Common Medical Test for Adrenal Function Cannot Diagnose Adrenal Fatigue

Adding to the problem of misdiagnosis is the fact that doctors typically use an ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) test to check for problems with your adrenal glands.

However, the test only recognizes extreme underproduction or overproduction of hormone levels, as shown by the top and bottom 2 percent of a bell curve.

Symptoms of adrenal malfunction, meanwhile, occur after 15 percent of the mean on both sides of the curve. So your adrenal glands could be functioning 20 percent below the mean, and your body experiencing symptoms of adrenal fatigue, and the standard test won't recognize it.[9]

The test that will recognize adrenal fatigue, in all of its stages, is a salivary cortisol test. This is an inexpensive test you can purchase online and do at home, as no prescription is needed. However, if you suspect you have adrenal fatigue a knowledgeable natural health care provider can help you with diagnosis and treatment.

Natural, and Simple, Steps to Recover From Adrenal Fatigue

It takes time to burnout your adrenal glands, and as you might suspect it also takes some time to recover. You can expect:

  • Six to nine months of recovery time for minor adrenal fatigue
  • 12 to 18 months for moderate adrenal fatigue
  • Up to 24 months for severe adrenal fatigue[10]

The good news is that natural treatments are very effective for this syndrome, and with time, patience, and the tips that follow it is possible to recover.

  • Probably the single most important area is to have powerful tools and strategies to address the current and past emotional traumas in your life. Prayer, meditation and meridian tapping techniques can be very helpful here. If you were to focus only on one area it would be best to concentrate in this area as this really is the central key to restoring your adrenal health.
  • Listen to your body and rest when you feel tired (this includes during the day by taking short naps or just laying down)
  • Sleep in (until 9 a.m. if you feel like it)
  • Exercise regularly using a comprehensive program of strength, aerobic, core, and interval training
  • Eat a healthy nutrient-dense diet like the one described in my nutrition plan, according to your Nutritional Type
  • Avoid stimulants like coffee and soda, as these can further exhaust your adrenal glands

Further, to maintain proper adrenal function it is imperative to control your blood sugar levels. If you are eating the right foods for your Nutritional Type, your blood sugar levels should balance out, and the following guidelines will also help:

  • Eat a small meal or snack every three to four hours
  • Eat within the first hour upon awakening
  • Eat a small snack near bedtime
  • Eat before becoming hungry. If hungry, you have already allowed yourself to run out of fuel (low blood sugar), which places additional stress on your adrenal glands

You may also want to see a physician well versed in bio-identical hormone replacement, and get tested to see if you could benefit from the use of DHEA. DHEA is a natural steroid and precursor hormone produced by the adrenals, and levels are often very low in people with adrenal fatigue. Keep in mind, of course, that DHEA is not a quick cure, and should not be used as a sole treatment.

Treating adrenal fatigue requires a whole-body approach, one that addresses the excess stress and unhealthy lifestyle habits that wore out your adrenals in the first place. Interestingly the very first step in normalizing sex hormones, either male or female, is to first address the adrenal hormone system. For example if you were to only measure female hormones and then replace them with bio-identical hormone therapy, you will virtually be guaranteed to fail because the weakened adrenals will never allow the hormones to equilibrate properly.

Because your adrenal health is so important to your overall health and well-being, I highly recommend you work with a knowledgeable natural health care practitioner to find out if you have adrenal fatigue and then remedy it.

The tips above are an excellent starting point, however, and can be used by nearly everyone to help give your adrenal glands a healthy boost.

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Is Functional Medicine the Cure for the US???

The financial woes of the US are significantly impacted by our outdated, disease centric medical system that rewards big Pharma, hospitals and plaintiffs attorneys and fails to educate the public on prevention and wellness life styles. The increased costs of defensive medicine practiced today in fear of retribution by ambulance chasing attorneys is tremendous and tort reform well overdue. The NY Times also weighs in on needed change.

CURRENTS - An Economy in Need of Holistic Medicine

Originally Posted: By ANAND GIRIDHARADAS, Published: October 23, 2009

CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS - The American economy is having what doctors call an acute episode.

Employment won't throb. The circulation of capital remains weak. Industry is breathing, but barely. And if we can agree on anything one year into this mess, it is that there is little we can do when the patient arrives already this bad.

That is why the talk now is so often of prevention. Prevent the next crisis through health insurance and a green-energy sector, the American president says. Prevent it by cutting spending and nurturing personal responsibility, American conservatives retort.

But the truth is that politicians, and not just in the United States, are rarely willing to invest in a problem that hasn't occurred. Consensus and action are easier to come by after a 9/11 or a Lehman Brothers than before. Problems in the embryonic, soluble phase don't interest us; and those that do interest us are often too big to solve.

Western medical practices have attracted similar criticisms in recent years, for an emphasis on intervening in disease rather than preventing it beforehand and promoting quotidian well-being. But in health, unlike politics, an alternative approach called wellness has emerged, focused on investing in health before it breaks down.

What can wellness tell us about our present economic malady? As it moves from fringe to mainstream - with wellness programs in the health care reform proposals now in Congress, wellness manifestos on the best-seller lists and a U.S. Army wellness program that asks soldiers to introspect and meditate - I asked experts about the approach's core tenets and how they might be applied to the body politic.

Nip it in the bud. Wellness argues for cultivating health a little every day, not just restoring it during calamities. We increasingly accept that it is better to monitor a diabetic's blood sugar with regular clinic visits than to amputate her limbs. We accept that businesses can avoid costly cancer treatments by encouraging workers to stop smoking. But in our political life, we prefer to wait until things reach the emergency room.

We barely regulate financial markets for years, thinking regulation oppressive, until we are compelled to nationalize private firms. We avoid expensive investments and controversial new methods in public education, then pay the price in lower social mobility and vast prison populations. We neglect building roads and bridges and Internet highways, fearing the cost, and then reap the much greater costs of whole regions falling off the economic grid.

"With a lot of social problems, we're not sure how to prevent it, and therefore we don't spend money on it, because we always have a lot of other priorities," said David Cutler, a Harvard economist who has advised both the Clinton and Obama White Houses on health care.

Go to the roots. Western medicine tends to fight symptoms, whether suppressing coughs or flooding the brains of the depressed with serotonin. Wellness is interested in underlying causes. It is inclined to see an infertile woman, for example, as a stressed woman rather than a woman with defunct ovaries, and may suggest that she eat and work differently rather than take ovary-manipulating pills.

In public policy, a symptom bias rules. A housing crisis? Enact a tax credit! Bank failures? Bail them out!

There is nothing wrong with such steps - except for what they leave out, as most economists will tell you.

Even amid all this action, we have virtually ignored the complex weave of issues beneath the issues: meager savings, a debt addiction, a congenitally spendthrift political system, an almost pathological craving for stuff. And, with our topical cures, we should not be surprised to see new symptoms of the old maladies appearing: insurance again being packaged into derivatives, bonuses again soaring on Wall Street.

"We treat symptoms, and we do not look at the causes of the symptoms," Deepak Chopra, the famed alternative-medicine and wellness guru, said when asked to extend the wellness metaphor to the economy. "We are totally at this moment looking at it in a reductionist manner. The reductionist manner is a bailout. And somehow that's supposed to solve the problem, whereas the problem occurred because we were thinking reductively."

Look within. Wellness sees the causes of and remedies for ailments as lying within us. Avoid infection by building immunity. Defeat disease by eating foods that help the body heal itself.

With the economy, we look everywhere but within. It's the fault of greedy Wall Street bankers. It's Washington's fault. Bush's fault. Obama's fault. Greenspan's fault. Somebody fix it!

But what about us? Why can't we acknowledge that it was us who bought all those unaffordable houses, us who listened to that zero-gravity financial "advice," us who bought and bought and never kept a rainy-day fund? And why, in solving the problem, do we expect the state to create substitute dynamism instead of renewing the culture of decentralized dynamism that made the U.S. economy so vital to begin with?

"Conventional medicine is very unbalanced in placing all its emphasis on external interventions rather than looking to advance that internal capacity to maintain healing," said Andrew Weil, founder of the Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine and the author of several books on wellness. Likewise with the economy, he said: "Instead of simply identifying external threats and developing weapons and strategies against them, we should instead identify and strengthen immunity and resistance."

A politics of wellness would transcend party. It would emphasize the up-front investments that Democrats like in order to achieve the long-run fiscal solvency on which Republicans insist. It would fulfill the liberal belief in a positive role for government in maintaining well-being but would honor the conservative conviction that government's chief role is to help the social organism heal itself. It would acknowledge, with the left, the complex lattice of cultural and institutional influences that govern a society's well-being, while emphasizing, with the right, the limits of what any external healer can do.

Think wellness in these hard times. The most urgent problems, after all, may be the ones we haven't had yet.

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Business of Flu - Politics, Law and Profits

The staff at TIFM and ApothéCure read several medical e-newsletters daily and will be periodically bringing important articles to your attention along with our comments. We welcome you to read these blogs and newsletters as well.

ABC news reports on the business of flu vaccine!

Several articles from Natural news for you to consider on vaccines!

At TIFM we have seen very little swine flu but have treated many with our UVB/Ozone IV's. I find it interesting that the incidence of swine flu in schools goes up approximately 2-3 weeks after massive nasal mist of live virus! We know kids touch everything. So does the administration of the flu mist accelerate the flu?? A lot of money is being generated for big Pharma using scare tactics.

What is in flu vaccines? Better read here before using...

Want to see something scary? The package insert of flumist!

Dr. Joe Mercola has a great website also and here are some dirty little secrets that will really make you think!

Joe also comments:

There's no need to panic - despite the daily bad-news barrage about swine flu. This is a manufactured "pandemic". Truly much worse health issues should be vying for your attention. Numerous questions about the much-touted swine flu vaccine press for answers...

  • Are the vaccines in question safe? Do they even work?

  • Have they been adequately tested?

  • Is their testing even honest - i.e., are they testing the exact same vaccine they will then force on you? And are tests conducted with absolute integrity and neutrality?

  • Does the gravity of the illness even justify mass immunizations?

  • Why are medical professionals and virologists (those who study these viruses) so adamant that they do not plan to immunize themselves or family members?
Too much doubt surrounds each of these questions to even come close to guaranteeing the vaccine's efficacy.

To add insult to injury, now Big Pharma has been granted immunity from all lawsuits such as those that resulted from the 1970s swine flu vaccine boondoggle.

You and your loved ones simply have no recourse if you get the shot and react severely, or even die, from complications of the vaccine.

No recourse.

Meanwhile the vaccine manufacturers' gluttonous appetite for profit - in collaboration with your government - could end up forcing your hand.

Dr. Blaylock suggests fifteen actions you can take to protect your immune system from invasion by these foreign substances, in the event you are forced to take the shot.

In the meantime, let's hope it doesn't come to that, and that each person is allowed to make their own reasoned decision about the vaccine.

Questions about Flu Vaccines that Doctors and Health Authorities Refuse to Answer!!!

(NaturalNews) Vaccine mythology remains rampant in both western medicine and the mainstream media. To hear the vaccination zealots say it, vaccines are backed by "good science," they've been "proven effective" and they're "perfectly safe."

Oh really? Where's all that good science? As it turns out, there's isn't any. Flu vaccines (including swine flu vaccines) are based entirely on a vaccine mythology that assumes all vaccines work and no vaccines can be scientifically questioned. Anyone who dares question the safety or effectiveness of vaccines is immediately branded a danger to public health and marginalized in the scientific community.

Here are the questions vaccine-pushing doctors and health authorities absolutely refuse to answer:

#1) Where are the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies proving flu vaccines are both safe and effective?

Answer: There aren't any. (reference)

#2) Where, then, is the so-called "science" backing the idea that flu vaccines work at all?

Answer: Other than "cohort studies," there isn't any. And the cohort studies have been thoroughly debunked. Scientifically speaking, there isn't a scrap of honest evidence showing flu vaccines work at all.

#3) How can methyl mercury (Thimerosal, a preservative used in flu vaccines) be safe for injecting into the human body when mercury is an extremely toxic heavy metal?

Answer: It isn't safe at all. Methyl mercury is a poison. Along with vaccine adjuvants, it explains why so many people suffer autism or other debilitating neurological side effects after being vaccinated.

#4) Why do reports keep surfacing of children and teens suffering debilitating neurological disorders, brain swelling, seizures and even death following flu vaccines or HPV vaccines?

Answer: Because vaccines are dangerous. The vaccine industry routinely dismisses all such accounts -- no matter how many are reported -- as "coincidence."

#5) Why don't doctors recommend vitamin D for flu protection, especially when vitamin D activates the immune response far better than a vaccine? (reference)

Answer: Because vitamin D can't be patented and sold as "medicine." You can make it yourself. If you want more vitamin D, you don't even need a doctor, and doctors tend not to recommend things that put them out of business.

#6) If human beings need flu vaccines to survive, then how did humans survive through all of Earth's history?

Answer: Human genetic code is already wired to automatically defend you against invading microorganisms (as long as you have vitamin D). (reference)

#7) If the flu vaccine offers protection against the flu, then why are the people who often catch the flu the very same people who were vaccinated against it?

Answer: Because those most vulnerable to influenza infections are the very same people who have a poor adaptive response to the vaccines and don't build antibodies. In other words flu vaccines only "work" on people who don't need them. (And even building antibodies doesn't equate to real-world protection from the flu, by the way.)

#8) If the flu vaccine really works, then why was there no huge increase in flu death rates in 2004, the year when flu vaccines were in short supply and vaccination rates dropped by 40%? (reference)

Dr. Mayer Eisenstein's Comments:

Wow,wow wow, billions of Dollars spent by the Obama administration to scare the public about the Swine and Seasonal flu and millions spent to market it and millions of Americans including 85% of New Yorkers polled by CBS New York are going to say no and to top it off it is coming to late.

"just say no"

The Obama adminstration just does not get it. You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time. Flu shots are dangerous and ineffective.

Not one penny has been spent to educate the public about the value of Vitamin D in preventing and treating H1N1 Swine Flu and the dangers of using fever lowering medications.

Flu vaccines have never been effective and Contain Ingredients Known to Cause Cancer and Death.

The data from Dr. Glick and now from Dr. Campbell are very compelling, that Vitamin D will be protective against H1N1.

To lower your families incidence of colds and flu this winter and to lower your probability of Swine Flu, start by measuring their vitamin D levels, keep it above 35IU's per pound (ApothéCure stocks an oral drop that is 2000IU) and by giving the whole family daily probiotics and vitamin D.

"More Vitamin D More Probiotics Less Flu"

We hope this blog has been of some benefit to you and has stimulated you to ask more questions about your health or to be more FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE oriented. At TIFM, we Ask More Questions and that means you Get Better Answers.

On the Lighter Side of Flu, this article will make you think, but it will give you a smile and a chuckle too!

Gary Osborn, RPh, CCN, Diplomate American Board of Anti-Aging Practitioners
TIFM and ApothéCure, Inc.

Dr. Kevin Light, Medical Director

Late Breaking News: Special Swine Flu Update from Dr. Mercola

Swine Flu Vaccine Mandate for NY Health Care Workers Halted by Judge's Restraining Order

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

Amid growing discontent among New York health care workers who are being forced to receive swine flu vaccine injections, the Public Employees Federation sued in state court to halt the mandate. Friday, a state Supreme Court judge issued a restraining order granting a temporary halt to the mandate until a subsequent hearing can be completed.

The lawsuit was brought by the Public Employees Federation, New York State United Teachers and four Albany nurses. Until today, these workers were required to be vaccinated by November 30th or many were told they would be fired from their jobs. Others were told pay increases would be suspended. Across the board, there was a campaign of intimidation against NY health care workers to force them into receiving the swine flu vaccine injections.

With this court order, mandatory vaccines are temporarily suspended pending a follow-up court hearing on October 30.

New York sets the tone for the H1N1 vaccine debate nationwide

New York has been an epicenter of health choice protests and demonstrations by concerned health care workers. Over 500,000 workers are affected by the H1N1 vaccine mandate, and a majority of those workers simply don't wish to be vaccinated against their will -- or, perhaps, vaccinated at all.

If New York health authorities thought they could just bully half a million health care workers into being injected with a virtually untested, unproven vaccine, they were gravely mistaken. Resistance to the vaccine mandate continues to build as more and more people realize the vaccine may be far more dangerous than the flu it claims to prevent.

In fact, attempts at forcing the swine flu vaccine onto health care workers appear to have backfired for the vaccine industry, causing many people to question the evidence behind all seasonal flu vaccines. As published on NaturalNews, this increased scrutiny on flu vaccines is resulting in the emergence of some rather revealing information that seems to indicate seasonal flu vaccines have zero efficacy (i.e. they just don't work).

What began as the vaccine industry's attempt to force its medicines on virtually everyone has caused intelligent people across the country and around the world to start asking some tough questions about vaccines. Today, NaturalNews posted ten questions about vaccines that the vaccine industry (and the health authorities pushing vaccines) so far refuse to answer.

A recent poll conducted by Harvard University indicates that only 40 percent of adults plan to take the swine flu vaccine. Public support for the vaccine is rapidly evaporating as the real motivations behind the vaccine agenda become increasingly apparent. More and more people are concluding there's really no good reason to take the vaccine given the extremely low fatality rates of the pandemic. At the same time, more people are learning the truth about vitamin D and realizing that vitamin D is better than the vaccine at halting influenza.

Meanwhile, a lawsuit filed in Washington D.C. by health freedom attorney Jim Turner accuses the FDA of violating federal law in approving the swine flu vaccines without conducting proper testing for either safety or efficacy.

Public support is clearly mounting against not just the swine flu vaccine (and the pandemic "fear factor" marketing push behind it), but seasonal flu vaccines as well.

None of this, of course, means the vaccine mandate in New York won't be reinstated on October 30th. The NY State Department of Health has predictably vowed to fight the decision and reinstate the mandate. But between now and then, it seems quite likely that we'll see a surge in public protests and perhaps even more legal actions filed by NY health care workers to stop what they see as a Big Brother chemical intervention into their own personal health.

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Is Depression and Prozac Deficiency?

Are we defectively designed so that we cannot be happy, or concentrate or remember things, with pills? Is ADHD a Ritalin deficiency or is Alzheimers an Aricept deficiency? I doubt it, yet the use of these drugs is skyrocketing. The “brain” drugs are the number two selling class of drugs after cholesterol medication.

If these treatments were without side effects, they would be great, but they are not. Anti-depressants: Half of all patients quit after 4 months due to side effects of sexual dysfunction, fatigue, insomnia, loss of mental abilities, nausea and weight gain. The other half doesn’t get improvement in their symptoms. Why is it thought that attempting to balance the out-of-balance brain chemicals with even more chemicals would work in the first place? Maybe a better approach is “Why are these brain chemicals out of place in the first place?” Is the answer more drugs or is the answer within our body?

Change your body and you will change your brain!!!

  • excess toxicities
  • inflammation
  • nutritionally depleted
  • food allergies
  • gut suffering from dysbiosis
  • hormones imbalanced
  • more

Remember, everything is connected, and the above affect mood, behavior, attention and attitude. Let us help you get back into balance.

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Future Trends in Anti-Aging

The current buzz in the US is stem cell therapy but it is very expensive and not well understood by the masses. Autologous or embryonic? There are clinics, outside the US, that offer stem cell therapies that we are in contact with and maintain up to date methodologies they have developed. You want new knees? It is possible I am told or maybe a better working heart. All are possible bit only if they cells are not toxic they state. Toxic with chemicals, heavy metals and free radicals as these interfere with the stem cell signals. Balanced hormones are critical also as they serves as messengers between cells.

Another fabulous therapy is live cell injections. This therapy has been around for many years and millions have been treated in Germany and Switzerland including Popes, heads of state, movie stars, sports figures and other individuals from around the world. Made famous by Prof. Paul Niehans, Germany, who did over 50,000 injections with no side effects and in 1953 treated the dying Pope Pius XII with great success and was honored by the Pope later into the Papal Academy of Sciences. This therapy has been duplicated and improved upon by a clinic in Germany and only a brief wait after deep IM injections is required as the live cell has been highly purified and is absent of antigens. Instead of using the very exotic stem cell therapy, live cells are harvested from freshly slaughtered lamb glands that have been dried and frozen. The fear of transmission of bad DNA from stem cells therapy in eliminated.

It is well known since 1600 BC that “like helps like” and live glands were injected to improve vitality. Paracelsus, Switzerland, in the Middle Ages coined the term “like helps like’ and it has been used since. Even in the pharmaceutically dominated US, thyroid is used to treat thyroid, etc., but it falls very short of the successes of live cells therapy used in Europe for increasing vitality, regenerating bodily functions.

Several injections are used depending on what tissue needs regeneration with only a brief stay in the clinic before leaving.

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Gluten Allergy a Growing Problem in U.S., Study Shows...

MINNEAPOLIS - 7/6/09 A Minnesota study using frozen blood samples taken from Air Force recruits 50 years ago has found that intolerance to wheat gluten, a debilitating digestive condition, is four times more common today than it was in the 1950s.

The findings contradict the prevailing belief that a sharp increase in diagnoses of wheat gluten intolerance has come about because of greater awareness and detection, and raises questions about whether dramatic changes in the American diet have played a role.

"It's become much more common," said Dr. Andrew Murray, the Mayo Clinic gastroenterologist who led the study. No one knows why, he said, but one reason might be rapid changes in eating habits and food processing over the last half century.

"Fifty years is way too fast for human genetics to have changed," Murray said. "Which tells us it has to be a pervasive environmental influence?"

Researchers at the Mayo Clinic and the University of Minnesota who conducted the study also found that the recruits who had the undiagnosed digestive condition, called Celiac disease, also had a four-fold increase in the risk of death.

Today an estimated 1 out of 100 people suffer from the inherited disorder, though most of the time people don't know they have it.

The disease occurs in people whose bodies cannot digest gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley. The undigested protein triggers the body's immune system to attack the lining of the small intestine, causing diarrhea, nausea, and abdominal pain. Though people live with it for many years, over time it destroys the lining of the small intestine, leading to an inability to absorb nutrients such as iron and calcium. That, in turn, causes serious conditions, including anemia, osteoporosis and even infertility in both men and women.

The only treatment is a gluten-free diet -- no wheat, rye or barley.

Murray said he initiated the study to find out whether the disease is on the rise, and whether it had long-term health consequences if undiagnosed and untreated.

He turned to medical archeology to find the answers -- a treasure-trove of blood samples taken from recruits at the Warren Air Force base in Cheyenne, Wyo., between 1948 and 1954. At the time, strep infections were raging among the recruits, mostly young men on their way to fight in the Korean War. Doctors there drew the samples as part of a now-famous study that proved treating the infections with antibiotics would prevent rheumatic fever, a serious heart ailment that can follow strep throat.

One of the doctors in that study took some of the samples with him when he moved the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio. When he decided to retire two decades ago, he asked Dr. Edward Kaplan, a strep specialist at the University of Minnesota, to become their guardian. The vials were transported in frozen-pizza delivery trucks to Minneapolis, where they reside today.
"Nobody has anything like it," said Kaplan. "There are other collections, but none go back this far."

In 2000 they were used to help resolve an intense debate among researchers over whether Hepatitis C infection was a certain death sentence, or whether many people could live with it for years.

Murray used a similar design for the study on Celiac disease, published today in the journal Gastroenterology. He tested more than 9,133 samples for the antibodies that proved the recruits had Celiac disease; 43, or about one out of 652, had the disease. He then tested blood samples from groups of men from Olmsted County, more than 12,000 in all. In an older group of men, one in 121 tested positive, and in the younger group one in 106 tested positive, an increase of four to four-and-a-half times.

His findings raise questions about why the number of people with the disease has grown so fast. But rates of other immune diseases have also increased a lot. One theory is that modern, clean living, which has resulted in fewer infections, parasites and microbes in our bodies, causes the immune system to turn on healthy tissue instead. Or it may also be the modern diet, Murray said.

"The types of food we eat now are different," he said.

Gary's Comments:

Modern paleontologists tell us that 10,000 years ago when grains first appeared on the earth, and we A-Blood Types (first farmers) started eating them, that this was the beginning of modern disease as we know it because humans are not designed to eat much grain!!! Then why does our government tell us to eat 5 servings a day? Is it because it is one of the cheapest and most profitable foods for the food manufacturers in the US? A current movie, Food, Inc., portrays what happens to grain when it is milled: all that is left is starch, therefore the rise of the promotion of whole grain foods. Whole grains, although relatively nutritious, contain gluten and gliaden, which are the culprits in the rise of celiac disease. An enzyme in the small intestine called TTG or tissue transglutaminse is responsible for breaking down the gluten so that we do not react to it as it is very inflammatory. So why the increase in celiac disease? Some facts we have observed at TIFM:

  • When patients present joint inflammation, very often the simple removal of all gluten containing grains improves their discomfort significantly

  • Gluten, if not broken down in the gut by TTG, causes varying degrees of inflammation and the substances developed are prostaglandins and interleukins and we take anti-prostaglandins for relief of joint pain and inflammation called aspirin to Motrin so it makes sense not to put the grain in the gut in the first place! Prostaglandins and heavy metals attack the cartilage.

  • Most modern pharmacologists suggest taking grains out of the diet if one wants to lose weight. It makes sense as what do they feed cattle to fatten them up?

  • Are today's environmental toxins higher than they were 50 years ago? Definitely the external ones but what about the internal ones; such as mercury, cadmium, lead and arsenic. TTG is known to be compromised by the sulfur binding properties of heavy metals; thereby deactivating it. Gut inflammation occurs at anytime of life, often precipitated by stress (lack of cortisol - your body's natural anti-inflammatory) but it can be inherited also. A bad gene can be passed on from your parents but how did they develop a faulty gene? Modern functional medicine dictates that faulty genes need to be activated!! This means if you eat grain and you have a faulty gene, you will suffer from some degree of gluten damage. So why risk it by eating grains at all?

Celiac disease (faulty gene) can be tested for with a simple blood test but I have seen clinical cases of grain causing systemic distress and the test is negative so do NOT put that much hope in it but we can certainly test you for it. Instead, address why we eat grains. It is because it turns into sugar and our brain wants sugar and the commercials touting the yumminess of various grain products from Count Chocula to that 10-grain bread at Whole Foods.

What to do:

  • Get tested for celiac disease

  • Determine your load of heavy metals (TIFM is expert at this) - why is it that most patients suffering from varying degrees of inflammation have or have had amalgams?

  • Quit eating grains!!!! And call us at TIFM. We are the experts and can help you.

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Number of Men Seeking Male Breast Reduction Doubles

Record numbers of men are having cosmetic surgery to get rid of their 'man-boobs'. Is has been estimated that the number of men seeking male breast reduction surgery has doubled in the past year alone.

Gynecomastia, the medical term for male breast enlargement has seen a 44 percent rise in 2008 making it the fifth most popular cosmetic surgery treatment for men behind nose jobs, eyelid surgery, ear corrections and liposuction.

With the collective weight of the nation continuing to increase, it comes as no surprise that both male breast reduction and liposuction are some of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures for men.

However enlarge male breasts may not just be the by-product of being overweight. Many scientists believe that the number of men with 'man-boobs' is also due to the increasing amounts of the female hormone estrogen in the environment. Estrogen is seen in increasing amounts in our daily diets. Scientists believe that ingesting estrogen can cause a hormonal imbalance in some people and this can lead to the formation of surplus breast tissue.

Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Why Mammography is NOT an Effective Breast Cancer Screen

The most devastating loss of life from breast cancer occurs between the ages of 30 to 50. Fortunately, today there are many options available to help detect breast cancer. Unfortunately, awareness of these options and their effectiveness in detecting breast cancer are woefully deficient.

In his recent book, Beyond Mammography, Dr. Len Saputo discusses the latest findings on the effectiveness and shortcomings of various breast cancer detection methods used today including mammography, clinical breast exams, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRIs) and PET scans. He also explores the highly advanced but much maligned detection tool for breast cancer -- breast thermography.

Breast thermography, which involves using a heat-sensing scanner to detect variations in the temperature of breast tissue, has been around since the 1960's. Modern-day breast thermography boasts vastly improved technology and extensive scientific clinical research following 300,000 women tested with thermography. Combined with the successes in detecting breast cancer with greater accuracy than other methods, the technology is slowly gaining ground among more progressive practitioners.

Health officials recommend that all women over 40 get a mammogram every one to two years, yet there is no solid evidence that mammograms save lives, and the benefits of mammograms are controversial at best. Meanwhile, the health hazards of mammography have been well established. John Gofman, M.D., Ph.D. - a nuclear physicist and a medical doctor, and one of the leading experts in the world on the dangers of radiation - presents compelling evidence in his book, Radiation from Medical Procedures in the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Ischemic Heart Disease, that over 50 percent of the death-rate from cancer is in fact induced by x-rays.

Now consider the fact that the routine practice of taking four films of each breast annually results in approximately 1 rad (radiation absorbed dose) exposure, which is about 1,000 times greater than that from a chest x-ray.

Even the American Cancer Society lists high-dose radiation to the chest as a medium to high risk factor for developing cancer.

TIFM has the most advanced thermal breast imaging equipment in the US and over 10 years experience in interpretation. This technology can detect many disease processes adversely affecting the breast, including breast cancer. We believe it is an essential tool for assessing and managing breast health and wellness. Please call Beverly Osborn to set up your 30 minute, pain free examination.

Visit our website for more information about thermal imaging, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Study Answers the Why Eyelids Sag with Age Mystery

Many theories have sought to explain what causes the baggy lower eyelids that come with aging, but UCLA researchers have now found that fat expansion in the eye socket is the primary culprit.

As a result, researchers say, fat excision should be a component of treatment for patients seeking to address this common complaint.

Traditionally, aesthetic surgeons were taught that the cover holding back the fat in the lower eye weakens with age and the fat bulges out creating the well know bag under the eye.

The UCLA study showed there is actually an increase in fat with age, and it is more likely that the fat increase causes the baggy eyelids rather than a weakened ligament. There have been no studies to show that the orbital septum weakens.

According to a recent report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly 241,000 Americans underwent eyelid surgery in 2007, making it one of the top four surgical cosmetic procedures performed.

Currently, many plastic surgeons performing procedures to treat baggy eyelids do not remove any fat at all. They reposition the fat or conduct more invasive tightening of the muscle that surrounds the eye, or they tighten the actual ligament that holds the eyeball in place. These procedures are performed despite there being no data indicating that these structures change with age.

"Our study showed that a component of a patient's blepharoplasty procedure should almost routinely involve fat excision rather than these procedures." said study co-author Dr. Timothy Miller, professor and chief of plastic surgery at the Geffen School.

Blepharoplasty refers to surgical rejuvenation of the upper or lower eyelids, or both, depending on the extent of aging or disease. The procedure is usually performed on the lower eyelid because the most common complaint patients have is that their eyes appear tired, puffy or baggy. The surgeon makes external incisions along the natural skin lines of the eyelid to remove the excess fat and improve the contour of the lower eyelid.

Visit our website for more information about eyelid surgery, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

First Impressions, Attractiveness and Dating Success Improved by Botox

The popular cosmetic enhancement, botulinum toxin A (Botox) positively effects first impression judgments in relation to attractiveness, dating success, and athleticism, says research presented at the 2008 American Academy of Otolaryngology.

According to researchers, first impressions of a person are influenced by facial appearance and improved by cosmetic surgery. They wanted to determine whether or not the use of botulinum toxin A would contribute to a person receiving higher scores on a variety of first impression scales. Photos were taken of the study participants before and after the treatment with the botulinum toxin A, then the photos were randomly divided into books with each subject represented only once per book. Blinded evaluators completed a survey rating their first impression on various measures of success for each photo in the book.

Subjects who received the injections improved first impression scores for scales of dating success, attractiveness, and athletic success The authors did not find any positive correlation between botulinum toxin A injection and increased scores regarding social skills, financial, or relationship success.

Article adapted by Medical News Today from original press release.

Visit our website for more information about botox injections, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Fat Injections - The New Trend in Facial Aesthetic Surgery

Fat grafting has changed the approach toward facial aesthetic surgery dramatically. Traditional facelifts simply do not provide a natural result as a stand alone procedure. Facial fat injections should almost always be a part of any facial rejuvenation procedure and frequently is the only surgical technique needed.

Fat grafting is not new and has been around for decades. However, we have seen a paradigm shift in the way we approach facial aging and the technique of fat transfer has become increasingly popular over the last two years. There is no question that fat is the ideal material for soft tissue augmentation, and that the results obtained with fat grafting are the most natural-appearing. In the past, resorption (breakdown) of grafted fat resulted in only temporary, unpredictable improvement. Grafted fat must gain its own blood supply in its new location in order to persist long-term, and this was not possible when large amounts were injected at once and when specialized instrumentation and techniques were not employed.

Today, we use a technique called micro-fat grafting, in which tiny amounts of fat are delicately placed with a small blunt needle in a series of discrete layers throughout the face and hands. This allows the thin beads of fat to 'find' and new blood supply and flourish. This procedure requires specialized training and specialized surgical instruments, as well as patience and attention to detail on the part of the surgeon. When microfat grafting or fat transfer is performed properly, permanent improvements in facial aesthetics are possible.

Structural fat grafting is most commonly performed on the cheeks, upper and lower eyelids, mid-face, jowls, lips and hands. As we age, we 'deflate' due to fat loss. Deflation causes the overlying skin to sag. In the past, taking up excess skin with a facelift fixed the sag yet failed to 're-inflate' the face resulting in an unnatural result. Fat re-inflation has resulted in better rejuvenation and happier patients.

We are experts in fat transfer technology and encourage you to consult with Dr. Light if you think this procedure would beneficial.

Visit our website for more information about fat transfer, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Much High Fructose Corn Syrup Contaminated With Mercury, New Study Finds

Reprinted in Part from a January 26, 2009 Public Press Release

Brand-Name Food Products Also Discovered to Contain Mercury

Mercury was found in nearly 50 percent of tested samples of commercial high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), according to a new article published today in the scientific journal, Environmental Health. A separate study by the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP) detected mercury in nearly one-third of 55 popular brand-name food and beverage products where HFCS is the first or second highest labeled ingredient; including products by Quaker, Hershey's, Kraft and Smucker's.

HFCS use has skyrocketed in recent decades as the sweetener has replaced sugar in many processed foods. HFCS is found in sweetened beverages, breads, cereals, breakfast bars, lunch meats, yogurts, soups and condiments. On average, Americans consume about 12 teaspoons per day of HFCS. Consumption by teenagers and other high consumers can be up to 80 percent above average levels.

"Mercury is toxic in all its forms," said IATP's David Wallinga, M.D., and a co-author in both studies. "Given how much high fructose corn syrup is consumed by children, it could be a significant additional source of mercury never before considered. We are calling for immediate changes by industry and the FDA to help stop this avoidable mercury contamination of the food supply."

In the Environmental Health article, Dufault et al. found detectable levels of mercury in nine of 20 samples of commercial HFCS. Dufault was working at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration when the tests were done in 2005. She and co-authors conclude that possible mercury contamination of food chemicals like HFCS was not common knowledge within the food industry that frequently uses the sweetener. While the FDA had evidence that commercial HFCS was contaminated with mercury four years ago, the agency did not inform consumers, help change industry practice or conduct additional testing.

For its report "Not So Sweet: Missing Mercury and High Fructose Corn Syrup," IATP sent 55 brand-name foods and beverages containing HFCS as the first or second ingredient to a commercial laboratory to be tested for total mercury.

Nearly one in three products tested contained detectable mercury. Mercury was most prevalent in HFCS-containing dairy products, followed by dressings and condiments.

In making HFCS, caustic soda is used, among other things, to separate corn starch from the corn kernel. For decades, HFCS has been made using mercury-grade caustic soda produced in industrial chlorine (chlor-alkali) plants. The use of mercury cells to produce caustic soda can contaminate caustic soda, and ultimately HFCS, with mercury.

"The bad news is that nobody knows whether or not their soda or snack food contains HFCS made from ingredients like caustic soda contaminated with mercury," said Dr. Wallinga. "The good news is that mercury-free HFCS ingredients exist. Food companies just need a good push to only use those ingredients."

While most chlorine plants around the world have switched to newer, cleaner technologies, many still rely on the use of mercury cells. In 2005, 90 percent of chlorine production was mercury-free, but just 40 percent of European production was mercury-free. Four U.S. chlor-alkali plants still rely on mercury cell technology. In 2007, then-Senator Barack Obama introduced legislation to force the remaining chlor-alkali plants to phase out mercury cell technology by 2012.

The Environmental Health article by Dufault et al. can be found at:

"Not So Sweet: Missing Mercury and High Fructose Corn Syrup," by David Wallinga, M.D., Janelle Sorensen, Pooja Mottl and Brian Yablon, M.D., can be found at:

IATP works locally and globally at the intersection of policy and practice to ensure fair and sustainable food, farm and trade systems.

Visit our website for more information about mercury toxicity and treatments, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

For more information or to setup an appointment, please call:

Beverly Brown-Osborn
Patient Care Coordinator
(972) 239-6317 ext 134