The popular cosmetic enhancement, botulinum toxin A (Botox) positively effects first impression judgments in relation to attractiveness, dating success, and athleticism, says research presented at the 2008 American Academy of Otolaryngology.
According to researchers, first impressions of a person are influenced by facial appearance and improved by cosmetic surgery. They wanted to determine whether or not the use of botulinum toxin A would contribute to a person receiving higher scores on a variety of first impression scales. Photos were taken of the study participants before and after the treatment with the botulinum toxin A, then the photos were randomly divided into books with each subject represented only once per book. Blinded evaluators completed a survey rating their first impression on various measures of success for each photo in the book.
Subjects who received the injections improved first impression scores for scales of dating success, attractiveness, and athletic success The authors did not find any positive correlation between botulinum toxin A injection and increased scores regarding social skills, financial, or relationship success.
Article adapted by Medical News Today from original press release.
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Friday, February 20, 2009
First Impressions, Attractiveness and Dating Success Improved by Botox
For more information or to setup an appointment, please call:
Beverly Brown-Osborn
Patient Care Coordinator
(972) 239-6317 ext 134
Patient Care Coordinator
(972) 239-6317 ext 134