Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You Can Slow Down (and Reverse) Aging

Take Care of your Skin Now & Undo Prior Damage with Cosmetic Surgery

Surprisingly, the loss of facial fat and sun exposure play bigger roles than gravity does in the aging of the face. People make assumptions about how the face ages because when they pull up on their facial skin, they look better. Actually, the pull of gravity on facial tissues is not a significant component of facial aging. Instead, the loss of facial fat and sun damage are far more contributory in the complex process of aging. In addition, the nature of facial skin changes over time becoming thinner, most notably around the eyelids. These changes are often accelerated by sun exposure, which damages the skin. For cosmetic surgeons, treatment requires a balance between tightening tissue and replacing lost facial fat with wrinkle fillers.

Genetically programmed chronological aging begins at birth. We start to notice the signs of aging, beginning in our twenties. The genetic program of individuals is different, so the loss of skin firmness and elasticity occurs at different rates and at different times in one individual as compared to others. The skin begins to sag, appears less supple and wrinkles start to form. One way to prevent them from appearing early on in life is to avoid direct sunlight and use sunscreens with SPFs 15 or higher. Once damaged, however, the skin can be rejuvenated with a physician supervised skin care program; including tretinoin, chemical peels and blemish fading creams. Dr. Light also recommends a collagen/hyaluronic acid powdered drink sold by ApotheCure Pharmacy to increase the thickness of the dermis resulting in thicker, healthier appearing skin.

Customers ask when they should expect to see results from using anti-aging products. Again, results will be different for each individual, generally due to the condition of one's skin prior to use. Also, improvements from anti-aging products generally do not occur overnight. Whether you are trying to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, puffiness or age spots, the process is gradual, and can take anywhere from 4-8 weeks; depending on the severity of your problem areas.

Finally, fat can be returned to the face using a procedure known as fat grafting, or facial fat transfer. Dr. Light has considerable expertise with this procedure. It is a safe, simple and very gratifying treatment that effectively addresses a key element of noticeable facial aging.

Breast Augmentation Secrets

With breast augmentation, some treatment approaches work best on certain body types, while others can be chosen based on an individual's aesthetic goals.

Breast augmentation surgery is not a "cookie-cutter, one-implant-for-all" type of thing. It is very much an individual thing; based on your anatomy, desires, goals and what makes you look and feel the best overall!

Implants — Silicone -vs- Saline Implants

Silicone implants are generally considered the superior implant because they offer a more natural feel and appearance than saline implants. They are also less likely to cause rippling. Silicone is a little bit softer, feels more like breast tissue, and feels a little more natural overall. So silicone is certainly an upgrade over saline implants. Women with little breast tissue benefit most from silicone -vs- saline implants.

Saline implants boast their own benefits. They generally cost less than silicone implants. And, in many cases, saline implants produce a shorter scar than silicone implants because the implants are filled after they are inserted into the breasts (requiring a smaller incision). Conversely, silicone implants come pre-filled (requiring a slightly longer incision through which the implants are placed).

Placement — Above-Muscle -vs- Below-Muscle

Placement of implants really depends on the anatomy of the individual, and what is going to make you look good. Because the quality of breast implants has improved greatly in recent years, both above-muscle and below-muscle implant placements are appropriate breast augmentation techniques. Dr. Light recommends placements based on the body type and your expectations.

For example, women with breast laxity will benefit more from above-muscle implants because implants placed below the chest muscle will ride higher than the sagging breast tissue; which can result in a "double-bubble" effect.

However, women who lack breast tissue may be best suited for below-muscle implants because the chest muscle will provide additional implant coverage; which results in a more natural appearance.


Of course, all breast augmentation patients are concerned with the resulting bra size. Dr. Light can tell you how big you can go (and still be able to safely close the incision) as well as answering your questions and providing other important and helpful advice. Because many breast augmentation patients wish they had gone a bit bigger after the swelling from surgery goes down, he encourages his patients to think a little big. In the end, however, it is up to you to make the final decision.

Incision — Incisional Approaches

Dr. Light can use several techniques to insert breast implants; including the transaxillary (underarm), areola (nipple) or inframammary fold (breast crease) techniques. The areolar incision approach is a great solution for women who desire as little scarring as possible. This is Dr. Light's preferred technique as well. The scar discreetly blends in with the surrounding skin. Breast implants placed through the crease may leave more prominent scars. When you lift up the breast, you will see a white line in the crease of the breast. But it's not unsightly. The scars cannot be seen straight on, and their appearance will continue to fade over time.

Making the Right Choices

Dr. Light stresses the need for patients to understand the procedure they are to undergo, and to be as educated as possible about their surgeon's credentials. It is important that the surgeon is a member of a professional organization such as the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons (AACS) that specializes in cosmetic surgical procedures.

Human Growth Factors — What Are They & Why Should I Care?

"Human Growth Factors" (alternatively called "Human Oligopeptides") is a relatively new skin care technology from South Korea; where they discovered a method of creating human growth factors in the same manner that human insulin and growth hormones are made.

It's the new buzz phrase that you have or will start hearing about in high-price salons and upper-end aesthetic skin care lines.

Growth factors are found naturally in healthy skin. They can also rejuvenate sun-damaged and aging skin, enhance skin texture, reduce the appearance of age spots and blotchiness, and improve skin elasticity overall.

Benefits of Human Growth Factors:

  • Reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Reduces the roughness of skin.
  • Improves the appearance of age spots and dyspigmentation.
  • Improves the firmness and texture of skin.
  • Improves the elasticity of skin.

Below is a partial list of the new compounds that are incorporated into a high-tech aesthetic skincare line of products that is available at ApotheCure and TIFM right now:

  • Insulin Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) — Activates Growth Hormones. Forms bone, muscle and nerve tissue. Improves regeneration of damaged cells. Revitalizes aged skin cells. Hastens the biosynthesis of hyaluronic acid.

  • Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF) — Regulates skin growth. Restores aged tissue. Treats bruises. Increases skin cell multiplication. Improves skin elasticity. Smoothes wrinkles. Hastens biosynthesis of hyaluronic acid. Increases blood circulation in the skin.

  • Copper Tri-Peptide-1 — Has been known for many years to help the skin maintain its youthful elasticity without side effects.

  • Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) — Protein that heals skin injuries without scarring. Restores aged skin cells. Hastens the growth of the cells that synthesize collagen and elastin. Hastens the biosynthesis of hyaluronic acid.

  • Thioredoxin (TRX) — Strong anti-oxidant. Controls free radicals. Keeps skin from aging. Stops cells from dying.

  • Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) — Stimulates new blood cell formation and multiplication.

  • Acid Fibroblast Growth Factor (aFGF) — Promotes neurological cell growth.

Email us TODAY for more information on these exciting breakthrough products.

NOTE: The products described herein meet the FDA's definition of cosmetic products, and are intended to clean, beautify, promote attractiveness or alter your appearance. The statements herein have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to be drug products that diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition.

Natural Supplements for Beauty & Health

Getting Essential Minerals from Everyday Food

As we get older, poor nutrition is clearly visible on our skin. Many vital nutrients are essential for the skin to regenerate, and therefore, to keep its radiance and tone. The gorgeous English actress Gillian Taylforth takes her vitamins and minerals daily to maintain her youthful look. And so does Lindsay Lohan. So let us review some of these nutrients and supplements, if you are interested in staying young and healthy through better skin. Please note, if you plan to have cosmetic surgery, you should disclose which supplements you are taking to your cosmetic surgeon.

Essential Fatty Acids: With the non-fat and low-fat craze of the 80s and 90s, many men and women deprive their skin of fats altogether. Omega-3 and Omega-6 are essential fatty acids that you need for your skin. These oils help your skin fight inflammation, which is associated with many skin conditions such as acne, eczema and others. You can get Omega-3 fatty acids from cold water fish. You can also take a supplement that contains these fatty acids as well. In any case, get good quality oil. Omega-6 essential fatty acids are more common. You can get them from Evening Primrose Oil or Borage Oil. Other sources include eggs, poultry, some vegetable oils, and whole grain breads. You can also take a supplement of Primrose Oil or Borage Oil (preferably cold pressed).

Antioxidants: It is well known that antioxidant vitamins, such as A, C and E, are great for your general health and your skin. They are used in many creams and skin care formulations. They fight free radicals, which make us old and sick. Antioxidants, in simple terms, are the fighters that protect your body. For good skin and hair health, make sure you are taking enough of these nutrients. You can easily get them from every day foods, but you may want to get them from supplements as well; especially if you are not sure about what sort of vitamins you are getting from your food intake.

Zinc: Lack of zinc may cause slower healing on cuts or active acne. Zinc helps the skin grow and regenerate. Foods that contain zinc include eggs, meats and wheat germ.

Iodine: Deficiencies of this mineral may cause dry hair and various skin conditions. Iodine helps in the proper functioning of your thyroid. Foods that contain this mineral include seafood and iodized salt.

Selenium: This is also an antioxidant, and it works in conjunction with vitamin E to keep us young. Foods that contain this antioxidant include fish and whole grains.

Cosmetic Surgery is for Everybody Now — It's Not Just for the Rich Anymore!

Not only is cosmetic surgery no longer a “woman thing” as many men enjoy the benefits too, but nowadays it is also no longer a “rich people thing” either. Why? The cost has dropped significantly during the last decade.

There are more surgeons in the field, higher competition, and improvements in technology – all of which has led to a very high demand for all kinds of cosmetic surgery! This is reflected in the number of people from nearly all segments of society who are having cosmetic surgery these days. The number is growing rapidly – in double digits – on a monthly basis.

Also, the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS) has studied who is having cosmetic surgery. Check out these stats of people who are having cosmetic surgery nowadays:

Annual Salary:

  • 41% : $31,000 - $60,000

  • 16% : $61,000 - $90,000

  • 13% : $91,000+


  • 26% : 18-29

  • 38% : 30-49

  • 36% : 50+

These are people just like you and me! It is not just a “Demi Moore or Pamela Anderson thing” anymore. And it is not something that only older people are doing either.

It is the young mom next door, the waiter or waitress who served you coffee this morning, your coworkers, the people you see and talk to every day as you do your daily activities, and now it could be you!

Most of the people interviewed felt that they could achieve emotional, psychological and social improvements by having cosmetic surgery. Although most participants were interested in improving their appearance, many emphasized that they were not motivated by vanity. Instead, they associated cosmetic surgery with improving a bothersome physical feature to overcome their dissatisfaction and unhappiness with that feature.

And best of all, we offer Care Credit; an interest free loan for one year!! What a wonderful thing to have available whether you are worried about finances or not!

Cosmetic surgery has never been more accessible and affordable than it is right now – call today to schedule an appointment!

For more information or to setup an appointment, please call:

Beverly Brown-Osborn
Patient Care Coordinator
(972) 239-6317 ext 134