Thursday, February 4, 2010

Welcome to 2010 from everyone at TIFM

Welcome to 2010 from everyone at TIFM. The general trend we are seeing is that more people want a functional medicine view on their disorders. The average number of physicians that our patients have seen with their chronic illnesses and disorders is approximately 6 before they find us. Functional medicine takes a practical body/event view of disorders and in most cases we can discover what leads to an illness or disorder and then correct it. We now have other physicians who send us there tough cases.

Other patients want to look and feel great. The combination of Functional Medicine and cosmetic surgery does it! Many do one before the other but eventually do both and end up looking AND feeling great.

We have introduced many new cosmetic surgery procedures such as the Brazilian Butt Lift, fat transfers and soon labiaplasty. For a list of procedures we perform and for many before and after pictures, please visit: TIFM

Some of the top subjects that we are hearing our patients request are: Hormones, weight, sleep and especially hair loss!

My hair is falling out! Quick, do something, Quick!

This is probably the biggest concern of women that we see, and instant results are simply not available, but there is a functional approach as to why the hair is not growing as it used to.

The number one concern by patients at TIFM

Hair is important to all of us and especially to women in peri and post menopause as so many things can go wrong during this time. I will attempt to address this issue by addressing what is going on and what can be done.


  1. Hair has several phases of its life:

    1. The normal cycle of hair growth lasts for 2 to 3 years. Each hair grows approximately 1 centimeter per month during this phase. About 90 percent of the hair on your scalp is growing at any one time. About 10 percent of the hair on your scalp, at any one time, is in a resting phase. After 3 to 4 months, the resting hair falls out and new hair starts to grow in its place.

      It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of this cycle. However, some people may experience excessive (more than normal) hair loss. Hair loss of this type can affect men, women and children.

    2. A great site for full info is

  2. There are 539 listed causes of hair loss but we can normally narrow down to a handful.

    1. Some of the leading causes of hair loss in women according to traditional medicine are:

      1. thyroid or liver disease

      2. hepatic or renal failure

      3. anesthesia

      4. childbirth

      5. starting or stopping birth control pills

      6. very high fever

      7. severe stress

      8. anemia (sometimes seen in runners)

      9. hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism

      10. essential fatty acid deficiency

      11. zinc deficiency

      12. any condition that upsets the ovarian, adrenal, or pituitary axis

      13. protein deficiency (common with vegetarian diets)

      14. anorexia or bulimia

      15. too much vitamin A

      16. local viral, fungal, or protozoan infection

      17. drug toxicity

      18. antimitotics - such as those used for chemotherapy

      19. bromocriptine - used to inhibit lactation

      20. beta blockers

      21. ACE inhibitors

      22. amphetamines

      23. anticholesterol agents

  3. What we commonly see in the women coming to see us who are peri or post menopausal:

    1. Testosterone imbalances

      1. If lessening libido, this goes along with thinning hair. This can easily be corrected.

    2. If thyroid imbalances are an issue, in most cases after menopause, the woman needs some amount of thyroid, especially if over 40 and two children. However, the thyroid labs your insurance pays for does not measure the proper hormones. The majority of women coming here say their doctor said, "Nothing is wrong with your thyroid," yet we find major problems that are easily corrected and the hair starts growing again.

    3. Heavy metals-If you are post menopausal and have a mouthful of silver fillings, plan on having scanty hair growth. Only our Heavy Metal Challenge IV can make that determination though as we have had women with no amalgams but who eat lots of tuna and salmon and they are mercury toxic. This too can be fixed!

    4. Genetics-It is automatically assumed that if your mother went bald that you will too! Not so! Something has to trigger that faulty gene. Call us to see what that is.

    5. Nutritional imbalances-we can nail this simply with our EAV testing and symptomology as we excel at the chemistry of nutrition.

    6. Inflammation-So easily overlooked as most inflammations starts in the gut, and when certain conditions are right-bingo the inflammation markers are high and the hair growth is low. We know what causes this and this can be fixed.

    7. Also a much overlooked nutrient is Iron or lack of it which stops hair growth in its tracks. We test for this so if you live on salads in an attempt to lose weight just know that your hair doesn’t like you!

    8. Recently we have seen dental disorders as the underlying cause of hair disorders. Inflammation that often occurs when you have had lots of work done (posts, crowns, root canals and gum surgery). We can easily determine if this is this cause. A recent addition of 3D digital pics of mouth is helping tremendously.

  4. Goldman-Sachs estimates 38 BILLION is spent yearly in hair care products with a large amount spent on stopping hair loss and stimulating hair growth. So before you buy that magic potion to grow hair, know that it WON’T!

  5. We have some fabulously advanced products but won’t sell unless all of the above are addressed. They can be used during any therapy.
Call us if this is your major concern as we can determine what the cause is and fix it! There is nothing magical about hair loss! Call Beverly Osborn at 972-239-6317 Ext. 134 for more information.

Telomere Cream

This is the most exciting and technologically advanced anti-aging cream we have had and everyone loves it!

ApotheCure has been tapped by leading skin cosmeceutical manufactures to formulate new lines, and together with our manufacturer; we have created many new anti-aging compounds of which Telomere Cream is one. It has been formulated with the knowledge that comes from anti-aging research. Because ApothéCure has international connections, we can get anti-aging substances that may appear months or years later from the big companies.

The product we have produced has demonstrated a reversal of the skin aging process. Clinical evaluations on a panel of women showed the following results:
  • Sun spots and skin moisture improved in 100% of the panelists!

  • Redness and pore size reduced in over 90% of the panelists.

  • Skin roughness, fine lines and barrier function improved in at least 75% of the panelists.

  • Skin firmness, tone and elasticity increased in 75% of the panelists.

  • Lines and wrinkles were reduced.

  • Overall texture of the skin improved and restored to a more youthful state.

Purified Water, Squalane, Hyaluronic Acid, Caprilic/Capric Triglyceride, Teprenone, Polyacrylate 13, Polyisobutene, Polysorbate 20, Xylityglucoside, Anhydroxylitol, Xylitol, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylhexlglyercin.

1 Ounce Jar : $175

Telomere can be used in conjunction with other products/compounds.

“Aging Begins At the Cellular Level within the DNA”

DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. Practically every cell in the human body has the identical DNA. Most DNA is located in the nucleus of the cell and a small amount can be found in the mitochondria.

Mitochondria are small complex structures which exist in every cell (except red blood cells) and are considered to be the powerhouse of the cell because they produce most of the energy we require to live and grow.

The information in DNA is stored in a code which is comprised of four chemical bases: adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Human DNA consists of approximately three billion bases and more than 99% of those bases are the same in all humans. The order or sequence of these bases determines the information for building and maintaining an organism. This sequence can be compared to letters of the alphabet which must appear in a particular order to form words which make up sentences. The previously mentioned bases pair with one another to form units called base pairs. Each base is also attached to a sugar molecule and a phosphate molecule. Together, a base, sugar and phosphate are called a nucleotide. Nucleotides are arranged in two long strands that form a spiral called a double helix. The structure of the double helix resembles a ladder, with the base pairs forming the ladders rungs and the sugar and phosphate molecules forming the vertical sidepieces of the ladder.

DNA can replicate or make copies of itself. Each strand of DNA in the double helix can serve as a pattern for duplicating the sequence of bases. When cells divide, this replication process is critical as each new cell needs to have an exact copy of the DNA present in the old cell.
In the nucleus of the cell, the DNA molecule is packaged into thread-like structures called, chromosomes. A chromosome is a structure of DNA and protein found in the cell nucleus. Each chromosome contains hundreds of thousands of the genes that form our hereditary blueprint. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes (each parent contributes one chromosome in each pair) containing a total of 50,000 to 100,000 genes from each parent. Our genes carry the inherited blueprint that makes us what we are. Why is this relevant, you might be wondering? At the end of a chromosome are stretches of DNA called telomeres, which protect our genetic data, and make it possible for cells to divide. These tiny structures, telomeres, contain some of the mysteries as to how we age and how some of us get cancer. We can compare telomeres to the plastic tips on the end of shoelaces, because they prevent the chromosome from fraying and sticking to each other, which would scramble an organism’s genetic information resulting in cancer, other diseases, or death. We do know that each time a cell divides, the telomeres get shorter. When they get too short, the cell can no longer divide and becomes inactive or “senescent” or dies. We associate this process with aging (the cell has a limited amount of time for division), as well as cancer, and a higher risk of death. Some researchers believe that telomeres are the key to life extension.

Without telomeres, the main part of the chromosome (the part that contains genes essential for life) would get shorter every time a cell divides. Telomeres enable cells to divide without losing genes. We need cell division to make new blood, bone, other cells when needed and NEW SKIN.
You have just learned that aging begins at the cellular level within the DNA. Telomeres, which are a part of the DNA structure, grow shorter as cells divide and replicate (reproduce themselves). As the telomeres shorten, cells begin to enter a state called, senescence. The outward appearance of senescence is what you see in the mirror as your face, neck; décolleté (and the rest of your body) looks older. What you are really seeing in your reflection is wrinkled, sagging, dull skin as the skin is the largest organ in the body and reflects either youth or old age.

Telomere Cream helps to maintain telomere length, and therefore the lifespan of cells, by promoting the skin’s natural protection and repair factors involved in detoxification, anti-stress, telomere maintenance and DNA repair. If we increase the lifespan of the cell, cell function is enhanced, tissue quality is improved and skin’s youth span is extended, thereby reducing all visible signs of aging - even beyond mere wrinkling.
Breast Health
Tremendous advances are being made in other countries in the treatment of breast cancer, but how do you know you have anything wrong is the major issue.

Breast Health in U.S.

This is always a big issue with our patients, but as usual, most research and fund raising efforts are directed toward doing something after the fact and usually involve either Big Pharma or surgery. TIFM focuses more on the functional part of breast health and keeping the breast healthy. The importance of getting a Mammogram changed tremendously last December when the Fed’s backed off on frequency under pressure from public groups stated that Mammograms actually cause cancer and that they didn’t actually WORK in showing up cancers!

The following is an excerpt from Dr Campbell Douglas II, a personal friend and great advocate for functional medicine.

I recently saw a bumper sticker that said, "Save the Ta- tas." Believe me... I'm all about "saving the ta-tas" – which is exactly why I've been telling women for years to STAY AWAY from those breast-squashing cancer machines called mammograms.

I've given you plenty of reasons why – and here's another to add to the list...

After just five mammograms, women who are at high risk for breast cancer are 2.5 times more likely to get the disease than those who skipped out on the tests. Women who get mammograms before they turn 20 are also at a higher risk.

I shake my head at the irony. These "high-risk" women, of course, are the same patients who've been told they need MORE screenings because of their supposed risk. And when they DO develop breast cancer, no one thinks to blame the "solution." In fact, they sing the mammogram's praises for catching it early!

The researchers who presented this analysis at a recent meeting of the Radiological Society of North America say more study is needed to confirm the link. At least they're predictable.

Truth is, we don't need to waste another minute – or another research dollar – on this.

This is just the latest in a series of reports and studies to confirm the obvious: Mammograms have harmed far more women than they've ever saved. The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recently advised against mammograms for most women under 50, a huge leap in the right direction.

But already plenty of "experts" are trying to water down the facts with the medical equivalent of gibberish. These doctors are doing everything they can to keep women in fear – not because they're interested in saving lives, but because they're worried about what will happen to their bank accounts when women realize that they've been had.

Don't listen to a word they're saying. They don't have a scientific leg to stand on.

Ladies, the bottom line on this is to stay far from mammograms, no matter what you hear on TV.

TIFM, since its conception, has promoted breast thermal imaging, including the face and neck, to look at possible causes of breast illness. Our new approach is to always do a Thermal Imaging test, and if anything abnormal is seen, Dr. Light will immediately do a breast exam, and if anything suspicious shows up, will write a prescription for a breast MRI (the best and safest method of locating possible disorders). Breast MRI facilities are springing up all over the place and in most cases, your insurance pays. See end of this document for a list.

What Dr Joe Mercola has to say about TI: (he has 4th largest health web site)

Gary’s recommendations:
  1. Get 30 minutes a day of sunshine! Yes, even sunbathing can be healthy, but do not burn and do not use sunscreens! The sun promotes your own Vitamin D protection which is being found to be critical in preventing breast disorders. If you don’t have time, then take our oral Vitamin D drops (Forte) 5 drops every morning.

  2. Fish oil! Very important in breast diseases prevention but we DO NOT recommend fish oil (possible heavy metals) but KRILL oil, which is powerful with no bad burps. We use NKO caps.

  3. At least do a monthly breast exam as it is often found to be more accurate than a mammogram. The Best instructional site I have found!

  4. Dental Health- This is a must! As we see many or most breast disorders originating with infection or inflammation in the mouth. The new digital X-rays are very low in radiation and I consider safer in relation to knowing what is going on in your mouth especially if you have had:

    • Dry sockets from wisdom teeth extractions even if years ago

    • Root canals-always go bad and you can’t feel it as no nerve but we can SMELL it.

    • Dental Implants are usually very good dental procedures but can go bad. You have pockets where that last chicken dinner always sticks and this can cause gum infections.

  5. Brush and FLOSS often!! I know it is easy to forget but I have found a neat little device that is easy to use that will keep lodged food from between the teeth but actual flossing is still recommended. GUM Soft pic.

  6. Exercise!! Move!! Any exercise that involves up and down movement will help with lymph flow in the breast. The best or cleanest breasts I’ve seen were in active women and we even have an 85 year old lady who was a tap dancer! It takes up and down movement to keep lymph from blocking up in the lymph glands in the breasts. Horseback riding, walking with arms swinging, dancing, boxing, and more. If you find you don’t have the energy to at least do this 15 minutes a day then you need to have your hormones tested and in particular, thyroid and adrenal.

  7. If you find any congestion, please use an oil we have found to aid in lymphatic drainage called Poke Root Oil.

  8. Hormones!! This is the most important health function you can do for yourself. Balance your hormones and use only natural hormones. This is our specialty!! If you have a family history of breast cancer, consider getting a special gene disorder lab performed. Get at your regular physician’s office so insurance will pay but we offer also.
For more information, a phone consultation or to setup an appointment, please contact our Patient Care Coordinator, Beverly Brown-Osborn by email or by calling (972) 239-6317 x134.

Weight Loss
Ranks right up there with hair loss!

HcG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin must be good with a name that long. I helped to develop this protocol nearly three years ago and at that time sterile injectable HcG was available to compound yet was too expensive and too hard to get. Being a world compounder I sourced out powdered HcG from China and found it at the time of the Chinese Olympics. It tested out perfectly and the rest is history, we were the first to offer topical HcG vs the injectable HcG. The problem was with the diet of 500 calories. At the clinic we changed this to 800-1000 calories of specific foods. Because we have ApothéCure next door, we have developed some very unique appetite suppressants that no one else has. We have several patients losing 3-5 pound a week and 15-20 pounds a month. Proper hormones help tremendously and other weight loss clinics do not have the hormone experience we do so why not do it correctly for complete success. Call Beverly at 972-239-6317 Ext 134.
Hormones Imposters
We are getting more and more patients who have gone to physicians who take insurance (and we understand with the recession) but they simply don’t do it right and although your insurance may pay for it, you are still miserable. If this sounds like you, call us, as we may be able to use some or all of your lab work, keeping costs to a minimum and getting you well. We have been addressing natural hormones longer than most in the US and definitely in Texas, so if you’re not happy with what is going on with your body, CALL US now.

Call us to see the new financing packages we have. 972-239-6317 Ext. 147
MRI Locations
Patients Comprehensive Cancer Center (Insurance)
McKinney Regional Cancer Center
4601 Medical Center Dr
McKinney, TX 75069
(Across from Medical Center of McKinney South-West Corner of Hwy 75 and 121).

UT Southwestern Medical Center (Insurance)
5323 Harry Hines Blvd
Dallas, Texas 75390

The Elizabeth Jekot, M.D. Breast Imaging Center (Insurance)
3301 E Renner Rd Ste 100
Richardson, TX 75082

Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas (Insurance)
3500 Gaston
Dallas, TX 75246

Baylor All Saints Medical Center (Insurance)
1400 8th Ave
Fort Worth, TX 76104

Preferred MRI (Insurance)
5920 Forest Park Ste 560
Dallas, TX 75235
Visit our website for more information, and then contact us online or call our Patient Care Coordinator at 972.239.6317 x134 for a FREE phone consultation and to setup an appointment.

For more information or to setup an appointment, please call:

Beverly Brown-Osborn
Patient Care Coordinator
(972) 239-6317 ext 134